Welcome to an Advent Adventure!

Below you will find a list
of what the girls and I are
making each day until Christmas Day.
Maybe you can find some crafts
you can make, too!
There aren't directions to some
of the crafts, but maybe you have your own
directions for those!
We aren't doing any on the weekends.
Hope you can get some ideas here!
Also, we have more homemade gift
ideas in our recipe section!

  1. Hand Felt Ornaments
    All you need for this craft is some felt,
    paint, and ribbon to hang it, and glue.
    I put some acrylic paint on each
    girl's hands, and had them press their hands
    onto the piece of felt. After it dried,
    I cut around the edge of each hand,
    and glued the pieces together
    (it helps to cut one out and then use
    that as the pattern for cutting out
    the other hand), making sure
    to glue the ribbon in between
    the layers as I glued them together.
    You can put glitter or
    anything else you want to embellish.
    Make sure to date and write
    the name of the child on the ornament.
    This is something good to do
    every year as a keepsake.
  2. Bell Wreaths
    For this we took some wire hangers
    and wire cutters
    and cut off the hooked part
    and then cutting the hanger in half.
    We 'strung' 30 5/8-inch bells on each half,
    and then I took a needle-nosed
    pliers and twisted the ends together,
    leaving some of the wire to form a hook
    which is to go around a doorknob
    or tree limb. Then we tied some
    1-inch ribbon onto the hook to make a bow.
  3. Card Holder
    For this we are taking an old yardstick
    and some clothes pins, gold bulletin board tacks,
    some wood glue, and paint.
    First take the clothespins and
    figure out how far apart they should be.
    They will be sticking out on both
    sides of the yardstick.
    Then take the clothespin, put a dot of wood
    glue on one of the clothespins
    and push a tack through it to hold it there.
    Do that with each clothespin until
    you have covered the yardstick.
    You should have a yardstick that
    when you hold it up and down
    you should see clothespins sticking out
    of each side. Then let the kids paint it.
    We are taking toothpicks to make dots and lines
    for designs to make it festive.
    Hang it up and you have a place to hang
    all of those cards you will be getting!
  4. Candy Holders
    For this all you do is cut out
    a rectangle shape of gift wrap
    and fold it in half the long way,
    short end to short end.
    Tape across one of the ends.
    Fill it with candy, and tape the other end,
    but taping it so it is
    going in the other direction.
    As an example, I have seen sour cream
    come in a package shaped
    like this in some restaurants.
  5. Oatmeal Soap
    For the soap we have a soap making
    kit I bought through the mail from
    Martha Stewart's mail order catalog.
  6. Bird Feeders
    We are making these by scooping out an orange
    after cutting it in half.
    Then we will mix peanut butter with bird seed
    and put it in the orange half.
    Set it out for the birds, or
    make it hangable to hang from a tree.
  7. Shrink Art Gift Tags
    We are tracing Christmas trees and light bulbs
    onto the shrink art plastic using a permanent
    Bake it according to directions,
    and paint them on the back with
    acrylic paint. Make sure to paper punch
    the top of it before shrinking it!
  8. Make Some Wrapping Paper
  9. Rock Candy
  10. Miracle Milk Bath
    For this all you do is mix
    2 Cups Salt
    2 Cups baking soda
    2 cups nonfat dry milk.
    Each batch makes 6 cups of Milk Bath.
    Put some in a pretty bag that you tie
    some sort of cellaphane, or in
    Gladware containers, something to keep it airtight.
    You are to put in 1 cup of mix
    to your bath water.
  11. Candy Topiary
    This is just a matter of taking
    candy and gluing them together
    to make a topiary. The only thing is,
    is to use wrapped candy.
  12. Napkin Holders
    This year we are painting empty toilet paper
    rolls and will glue on some pretty
  13. Reindeer Food
    For this, mix together some corn
    (squirrel corn from a cob, not from a can or frozen)
    bird seed and glitter in a small brown
    paper sack. On Christmas Eve you are supposed
    to have the kids dump this out
    to feed Santa's reindeer.
    The glitter is so the reindeer can find it.
  14. Place Cards for Christmas table
  15. Make a Small Gift for the Guests at the Christmas Table

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