Tigers are the creature of the Asian continent. They, unlike other cats, love being in the water. Unfortunately, tigers are becoming scarce due to poaching and lost of habitat. There are 8 different kinds of tigers, but 3 are extinct. The remaining 5 are endangered.
Click here to see some tiger pictures.
Polar Bears live mostly in the North Pole region. They can swin miles and miles in the arctic water until they find land. They are one of my favorite animals.
Click here to see some Polar Bear pictures.
Penguins, unlike the Polar Bears, live mostly in the South Pole region. There are different kinds of penguins, however. The most well known of all the penguin is the emperor penguin. They are, indeed, the biggest of all penguins and live in Antarctica. Other penguins are smaller and live elsewhere with different habitats.
Lions live in the African continent. They are known as the king of the jungle.
Cheetahs are the fastest animal on land and they are on the endangered species list. To learn more click here