Thank You and Goodbye!

So cute!

April 6, 2006

DOM-LAND, Middle-Earth— Well, it's been over for quite a while, but I guess I felt like putting some kind of closing statement here. I'm sorry the site just dribbled away, but offline life and new fandoms took my attention from the site. Anyway, a big thank you to everyone who read and enjoyed the Dom-Land Caribou. You made this a lot of fun. And thank you to the assorted pains in the ass that made it interesting.

As an incredibly belated farewell, I leave you with the last two pictures I photoshopped for the site.

So, thank you again for the feedback and support. I hope you always have fandoms to play in.







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Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings hockey. This is obviously a silly site with silly things on it. I am not affiliated with anyone connected in any way with Lord of the Rings or hockey. I don't know anyone or anything. Period. I am a small monkey handcuffed to a computer. I am not a Middle Earth pimp. I cannot get you "preciousss moments" with Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellan, Sean Bean, John Rhys-Davies, Figwit, Haldir, Liv Tyler, Steven Tyler, Bill the Pony or anyone else for that matter. And if I could get "precious moments" with any of them, do you think I'd share?


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