I am in need of sponsers for the upcoming season. To give you an idea of the average yearly cost of my training I have averaged out some figures based on this upcoming season.

Ice Time:$5000.00
Coaching fees:$5000.00
Dresses for practice:$200.00
Competition Dress:$150-$300.00
Off ice training:$2000.00
Competition fees:$500.00
Travel for competitions:$5000.00

Skaters Support

Read about me in this website designed for skaters in need of sponsership.

Biography/Tests Passed/Awards/USFSA Clubs/Florida Ice Rinks/Links/My Coaches/
Pics Of Me/More pics of me/Pics Of My Friends/Skater's Edge Online Skating Club/
Skating Info/ Web Rings
Please e-mail me to inquire more information. Your support is appreciated!

© 1998 Hinds~WebArt hindsice@tampabay.rr.com