Á´X - 12/19/98 15:25:08 My URL:modxy@hotmail.com | Comments: Beautiful still... |
- 11/12/98 16:33:57 | Comments: |
- 07/30/98 11:20:27 | Comments: chaiyasit ja . . . |
sittichoke - 07/30/98 02:04:47 My URL:sittichoke@yahoo.com | Comments: I hope you can make your better health,better life,better page and better face.Bye. |
pa+keng - 07/29/98 10:49:46 Comments: haha hotmail ja hotmail | Comments: |
Ananlada Chotimongkol - 07/24/98 03:58:09 My URL:ananlada@delta.links.nectec.or.th | Comments: Your picture is beautiful. But why you select yellow for text. It hard to read. Who are people in back-ground picture? |
boyd - 07/23/98 07:51:07 My URL:tanongki.s@tfb.co.th My Email:????????? Comments: ???????????????????? | Comments: ??????????????????????? ?? ??????????????? |
Seran - 07/23/98 07:18:39 My URL:http://www.yahoo.com | Comments: Congratulations You look very handsome with your graduation gown. All the best Seran |
tussin - 07/23/98 06:44:37 My URL:tussin@i.am | Comments: | add more picture mai+ J haha |
mongie - 07/23/98 06:40:31 My URL:jamjuri@hotmail.com | Comments: very pretty ;) |
pakeng - 07/23/98 06:37:52 My URL:tussin@i.am Comments: test len .. na J | Comments: |
Carl Swain - 07/23/98 04:21:26 My URL:cpswain@aol.com Comments: Good luck on you life. | Comments: |
ÍÔ ÍÔ - 07/22/98 10:16:07 | Comments: µÕë¨Ñ§àÅ |
- 07/22/98 08:58:59 | Comments: |
Jessada Sangkhumthong - 07/22/98 05:20:39 My URL:jessada@i.am My Email:http://www.i.am/jessada | Comments: As I am the host of this page. This is just an example of how to sign my guestbook. Take it easy my friend. Write as you desire ! Wow ! |