Meet the O-W-L Anipal. This animal pal takes a perch in your mind to remind
you that Opportunities Won't Linger. The OWL reminds us to make wise
choices in order to fully enjoy our Own Wonderful Life.
Owls have the whole picture. They can survey 360 degrees of their
surroundings with a swivel of their head. Perhaps, owls are thought
of as wise because they go about their life with the full picture.
They wisely choose their living opportunities, even seeing through the
darkness of night.
We also can learn to get our own big picture. It is only from this vantage
point that we can survey our choices and seize the best opportunities
available; after all Opportunities Won't Linger.
Becoming acquainted with a pal, such as OWL, can help release many foul
thoughts and instead embrace the way you really want to be. Negative
programming can come from parents, friends, co-workers, or the myths
repeated on TV and in the media. Although these negative messages may not
be intended, they attack the belief that we have in ourself, in our
self-worth, in our intelligence, in our ability to complete goals and
go after what we really want in life. Often these messages become so
ingrained in our mind that we end up believing them, and as a result,
limit our own personal expression and potential. Anipals (animal pals)
like the OWL are aimed at re-awakening inner awareness. Animals live
naturally and so can we by following our own individual nature.
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