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Alanis Morissette (Hand in my pocket)
Bad Boys Blue (Tonight)
Crash Test Dummies (MMM MMM MMM MMM)
Duke Nuken theme
Green Day (When income)
Jorge Bem Jor (Chove Chuva)
Lulu Santos (Quando um certo alguém)
Michael Jackson (Black and white)
Missão Impossível
no name
Oasis (Wonderwall)
The Police (Every breathe you take)
The Police (Every breathe you take) *another version*
Prodigy (Breathe)
Prodigy (No good start the dance)
Prodigy (One love)
Prodigy (Smack my bitch up)
Puffy Daddy (I'll be missing you)
Pulp Fiction theme
Spice Girls (Two become one)
The Doors (20th Century)
Travels theme (for travelers)
U2 (One)
U2 (With or without you)
U2 (With or without you) *another version*
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