Here is all the information you need to contact Two Jakes.

Street Address

Two Jakes Used Office Furniture Warehouse
320 Wythe Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Telephone and Fax Numbers

Telephone #: (718)-782-7780
Fax #: (718)-782-7259

Email Addresses

Contact Jake for information on inventory, the store and any other information that has to do with the store at
Contact Brian for problems with the page or anything else dealing with the page but not the acutual content at

Directions to Two Jakes

Directions from Manhattan

By Subway-- Take the L train to Bedford Ave. (cross st. is N. 7th). Walk south on Bedford-8 (short) blocks to Grand Ave. Turn right and walk 2 (long) blocks to Wythe Ave. Turn left, we are the second store on the right.

By Car-- Take the Williamsburg Bridge (access from Delancey St.). At the end of the bridge, make as hard a right as you possibly can on to Broadway. Take Broadway 2 blocks to Bedford Ave. and turn right. Take Bedford 6 blocks to Grand Ave. and turn left. Take grand 2 blocks to Wythe Ave. Turn left, we are the 2nd store on the right.

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© 1997 by Brian Jacobs