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Home Page of INDIA

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I am not responsible for any errors in this doc. This doc is meant to be only a starting point.

Table of Contents

  1. Art, Music
  2. Books, Magazines, Journalism...

  3. CDROMs
  4. Charitable Organizations
  5. Corruption Ranking

  6. Desabhakta Movement for the Regeneration of India : Founded by T.N. Seshan

  7. FAQs

  8. Festivals in 1995

  9. Fonts

  10. Images

  11. Indian Cities Web sites

  12. Internet Sites in India

  13. Internet Providers

  14. News and commercial web sites

  15. Software Technology Parks (STP)
  16. Religious Web Sites

  17. Schools offering courses related to India

  18. The Embassy of India, Washington, DC

  19. Universities and Colleges in India

  20. Usenet newsgroups related to India

    Newsgroup Name Description
    alt.culture.karnataka Culture and language of the Indian state of Karnataka. Asian Indians in the US and Canada. Really old medicine from India. Progressive politics in the Indian sub-continent. (Moderated)
    alt.movies.indian Films from India and the Indian subcontinent. All about progressive politics in India. News of India. (Moderated) News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. (Moderated)
    rec.arts.movies.local.indian Indian movies and the Indian film industry. Hindustani and Carnatic Indian classical music. Discussing Indian music in general.
    soc.culture.indian Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
    soc.culture.indian.delhi Information related to Delhi, capital of India. Info group for soc.culture.indian, etc. (Moderated)
    soc.culture.indian.kerala Culture of the people of Keralite origin.
    soc.culture.indian.marathi Discussion related to Marathi Culture.
    soc.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India.