Pharmacy Practice- Continuing Education (Chapter 4729-7)
4729-7-01 Definitions
4729-7-02 Requirements for renewal
4729-7-02 Requirements for renewal (More)
6. At least 4 1/2 C.E.U.s(45 hrs) of the total required C.E.U.s must be obtained in patient care related programs.
4729-7-08 Alternative methods of proving continuing competency.
1. Currently certified by a board approved pharmacy practice specific specialty certification program.
2. Such certification programs shall consist of:
(1) Periodic recertification examinations;
(2) Documentation by the certification program that the pharmacist is currently certified by the program;
(3) Other requirements as determined by the board.
4729-7-03 Evidence of CPE Experiences
Keep certificates
Dangerous Drugs
(Chapter 4729-9)
4729-9-01 Definitions
4729-9-02 Minimum standards for a pharmacy.
(A) Library ****
(B) Equipment
(C) Drugs
(D) Rx containers
(E) Space and fixtures
4729-9-04 Returned Drugs
4729-9-05 Security Requirements
4729-9-06 Disposal of Dangerous Drugs which are
Controlled Substances4729-9-07 Discontinue business as Terminal Distributor
4729-9-08 Change in description of Terminal Distributor
Notify board of any change in name, ownership or address of terminal distributor
Security of prescription blanks and DEA form 2224729-9-11 Security and control of dangerous drugs
R.Ph. to provide supervision and control according to division (A)
-Personal supervision by R.Ph.
-If no R.Ph. then follow (2)(a)-(g)
-Note (A)(3)
-And Note also Division(C)
4729-9-12 Verification of license of terminal distributor and wholesaler.
Wholesaler to see copy of Term. Dist. certificate
Term. Dist. to get registration number of wholesaler.
4729-9-13 Distributor of Dangerous Drug Samples
Must be registered as wholesaler
4729-9-14 Records
(relates to controlled substances)4729-9-15 Report of theft of dangerous drugs, controlled substances and drug documents.
4729-9-15 Report of theft(Cont)
Form 106 to be filed with board within thirty days
Must also report any theft or loss of Rx blanks and form 222’s immediately.
4729-9-17 Storage of adulterated drugs
4729-9-20 Repackaged drugs
Drugs compounded in pharmacy
Compounded Drugs
(B) Parenteral and sterile product prescriptions shall be compounded in accordance with Chapter 4729-19
(H) Labels for a compounded prescription that is prepared in anticipation of a prescription drug order shall contain, information set out in (1)-(4)
4729-9-22 Records of dangerous drugs (
Not controlled substances)