Sec 4729.01 Definitions

(B) Practice Pharmacy - Pharmacist care

1.Managing drug therapy, interpreting RX’s

2.Dispensing and compounding drugs.

3.Dispensing devices.

4.Counseling patients.

5.Reviews of drug regimens.

6.Reviews of drug utilization.

7.Drug therapy advice.

8.Consult Agreement

(C) Compounding

The preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging, and labeling of one or more drugs in any of the circumstances listed in division (C)

(D) "Consult agreement"

An agreement to manage an individual's drug therapy that has been entered into by a pharmacist and a physician authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery.

(F) "Dangerous drug"

(H) "Prescription"

A written, electronic, or oral order for drugs or combinations or mixtures of drugs to be used by a particular individual or for treating a particular animal, issued by a licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs.

(I) "Licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs" or "prescriber"

(1) A dentist

(2) An advanced practice nurse

(3) An optometrist

(4) A physician authorized under chapter 4731. of the revised code to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatry;

(5) A veterinarian

(N) Price Information

(O) Wholesaler, manufacturer, and terminal distributor of dangerous drugs

Sec 4729.02 State board of Pharmacy

4729.08 Qualifications for pharmacist

4729.09 Reciprocal registration

4729.12 Identification Card and Certificate of Registration

4729.13 Renewal of Identification card after 3 year lapse


Section 4729.281 Pharmacist dispensing drug without a prescription; Conditions

Any drug other than a schedule II if:

1.Rx on file but no refill

2.R.Ph. Unable to obtain authorization for refill

3.(a) essential to patient’s therapy and

(b) failure to dispense would result in harm to patient

4.72 hour supply

5.Maintain record and notify prescriber

Section 4729.29 Prescriber dispensing and labeling

Section 4729.36

Only a pharmacy can use words like pharmacy, drug store, etc.

Section 4729.361

Disclosure of price information


4729.38 More Generic substitution

Section 4729.39
Consult agreements authorized; conditions

1.Agreement between R.Ph. and physician

2. Separate agreement for each patient

3. May include monitoring and modifying a prescription

4. Must be signed by physician, R.Ph. And patient

5.R.Ph. To maintain records

6. Prior to taking action R.Ph. must attempt to contact physician and must contact physician within 48 hrs

7. Any one of the parties may terminate the agreement

8. Boards to adopt rules

Ohio’s Dangerous Drug Distribution Act

4729.54 Categories of terminal distributors

(1) "Category I" means single-dose injections of intravenous fluids

(2) "Category II" means any dangerous drug that is not included in category I or III.

(3) "Category III" means any controlled substance that is contained in schedule I, II, III, IV, or V.

4729.55 Terminal Distributor Qualifications

4729.60 Certificate required by wholesalers

1. Wholesaler must obtain certificate of licensure from terminal distributor before selling DD

2. Terminal distributor must obtain wholesaler’s certificate number before purchasing DD