
About Me
Things To Do
Web Tips
Matthew's Page John Christopher's Page
This is the obligatory 'about me' page, although it would be presumptuous of me to think you want to know about me. 8^) Having said that, here are some things you might've wanted to know about me, but were afraid to ask... Jim Evans
the author

 I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, just ten miles from Pikes Peak.  As a consultant I provide services to clients literally all around the country. I provide computer systems development consulting, conduct PC training, assist in the installation of network and computer equipment, and specialize in premium web design & services.

Check out my list of things to do and then just drop me a note to discuss the things you discover.

For fun, I love to ski, mountain bike, refinish old furniture, and I just bought my dream machine, which you should view, admire, and write me about.

As you probably know, I have a son, Matthew. New Photos are always becoming available.

And my second son, John Christopher, was born October 12. His gallery is also always under construction.

I was with MCI for 10 years.  After some time in the consulting biz,  I did a year as a stay-at-home-dad.  I'm now either a consultant or employee of different internet companies around the Denver and Colorado Springs area.

Jill & the boys

I'm over 30, married since 1992, and have one big black dog.
I have a BS degree in Psychology from the University of Denver, and was born and raised in Maplewood, New Jersey. There! Now you know more about me than you cared to...

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1997-2000 © Jim Evans 