Selamat Datang

Number of Visitors since July 19, 1997.

I am
36,male,married,4 kids,typical Malaysian look with goatie
Thorough-bred (Father is Javanese, Mother is Yemenite)
Looking forward to enhance knowledge
Searching for a suitable home-business

Places travelled to, physically
Europe - Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, France, England
Africa - only Ghana
West Asia - only Saudi Arabia & Dubai
South Asia - Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka
East Asia - Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore
very soon - Turkey & Jordan

I believe that,

Learning is a life-long process.
Knowledge builds civilization.

Searching for Home Businesses via the Internet Anyone ?

Check out my Life Learning Resources Center
Till then...Au revoir, Wiedersehen,Khuda Hafiz, Ma'assalamah, Salamat, Jumpa Lagi..

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