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"Competition for the future is competition for opportunity share rather than market share. It is competition to maximize the share of future opportunities a company could potentially access within a broad opportunity arena."
-- Gary Hamel &
C.K. Prahalad
Competing for the Future

At InteVation, we believe that companies that do not imbed industry foresight and innovation into their core business strategies and culture will be the also rans of the future. We also, however, recognize the various challenges -- including time, resources, investment dollars and culture that often inhibit successful innovation and long-term planning efforts. Helping clients' see the future in light of -- or in spite of -- company challenges is at the heart of the services and value InteVation offers its clients.

What Is InteVation?

InteVation is the integration of foresight, strategy, innovation and marketing. We believe service companies that integrate these four concepts will uncover greater market opportunities; leverage existing, and build new, competencies; develop and launch services more quickly; and significantly enhance brand awareness - resulting in enhanced revenue growth.

The term "InteVation" is a marriage of the words integration and innovation -- two key elements of our philosophy and services. As you'll see when touring our site, we believe that innovation and "creating the future first" is increasingly critical to achieving market leadership and growth objectives.

  • Industry foresight is a vision of the future based on factual insight into trends, demographics, competitors, customers, government regulations and technologies. Foresight paints a solid and collective picture of what the company believes are the future market opportunities.
  • Strategy is about making choices and setting limits. It lays the framework and parameters for what the business is currently; what it is not; and what it will be.
  • Innovation is the process companies use to discover, investigate, design/develop and launch new products and services.
  • Marketing is how a company educates the market, creates awareness and demand, and builds a unique position in the minds of customers.

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