button 1
button 2
button 3
button 4
button 5

This is an example of the same applet using a vertical layout. The image used in this case is:

The applet tag looks like this:

<applet code="Buttons.class" codebase="http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/6806/" width="100" height="250">
<param name="buttonImage" value="vertical_layout.jpg">
<param name="buttonCount" value="5">
<param name="clickSound" value="click.au">
<param name="moveSound" value="move.au">
<param name="button1Info" value="first button">
<param name="button2Info" value="second button">
<param name="button3Info" value="third button">
<param name="button4Info" value="fourth button">
<param name="button5Info" value="fifth button">
<a href="vertical_layout.html#1">button 1</a><br>
<a href="vertical_layout.html#2">button 2</a><br>
<a href="vertical_layout.html#3">button 3</a><br>
<a href="vertical_layout.html#4">button 4</a><br>
<a href="vertical_layout.html#5">button 5</a>

In this example, instead of the "Your browser is not Java enabled." message, hyperlinks are included in the applet tag. This way, users of older browsers can still navigate the page even without being able to run the applet (try this by turning off the Java support for your browser).


Go to the home page




You might have got here by pressing button 1




















You might have got here by pressing button 2




















You might have got here by pressing button 3




















You might have got here by pressing button 4




















You might have got here by pressing button 5