Greetings Fellow Die Cast Enthusiast, I just looked over your site and was pleased to see the efforts you have gone to for other lovers of die cast and collectors.
I have been collecting die cast in the 1/59 to 1/64 scale for several years. I only regret that I gave away many many HotWheels from the 80's just a couple of years ago. I was mainly collecting NASCAR stuff, but now I am collecting HotWheels, Johnny Lightning, Matchbox and others. And with my web capabilities I am bringing them to this new media.
I also conduct daily races on a 1/8 mile (1/64 scale) dragstrip. Several people compete daily, and each season consist of 8 weeks. Then the Nationals are held. Each weekly winner is winning and average of 8 bucks. But where not out to get rich, just looking to have fun.
>10/17/97 ... Doctor Sid,
Thank you for your harty words of praise. We do spend a lot of time to bring the Race Center to you fellow colllectors. As for the racing, that's a very good idea. Last year we were working on an Internet HotWheels racing league. Do to support problems, it never went online. Maybe if we get more support we'll try it again... 10/25/97
>9/10/97 ... Jeff Bakken,
We've put together what we feel is a fairly good answer, and it can be found by way of our new Pro Racing section . Thanks for writing!
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