My Family
Daughter: Jean Jones Schinker
Married to John
Five children: Michael, Justin, Jessica, Kristin and Rene
Although no legal or blood ties exist between us, she is my daughter in every sense of the word, by mutual agreement. She was my step-daughter for ten years. When she agreed to continue the relationship after the last divorce, I stopped using the word "step". I dropped it from my vocabulary, just as she has done with two of hers. And guess which one of hers is named after me. Oooops - I guess I should say, guess who Michael is named after.
Dr. C. L. Stavinoha, DDS, 1914-1981
Born in Hallettsville, Texas. His father was born in Moravia (present day Czech Republic), brought to Texas when he was about 4, grew up to be lawyer and County Judge in Lavaca County. Dad went to St. Edward's University in Austin, moved to Houston and became a dentist.
Dorothy Daigle Stavinoha, 1916-1987
Born in San Marcos, Texas. Maternal ancestors were the Crabbe's from Georgia and Maude Adams, said to be decendent of John and John Quincy Adams. Paternal relatives traced back to Louisiana, Acadia and France. Her father, Dr. Henry M. Daigle, moved to Texas for his health, was a barber while he worked his way through dental school. It is his house I live in now. Mom was an artist - painting and sculpture.
Dr. Barry Stavinoha, M.D. 1942-1987
Rice University, U.T. Medical School. Married Barbara Jo McLeod and had four children: John Cole, Randy, Jill and Brad.
I still miss you a lot, Barry.
Rev. Don Stavinoha, OMI, 1943-
Oblate priest, currently in San Antonio.
Becky Oley, 1948-
Nurse, married Dr. Tom Oley. Three children: Tommy, Bryan and Jenna.
Lynn Hoster, 1951-
Nurse, married Clay Hoster, banker. Two children: Colin and Brittany.
Dr. Bill Stavinoha, M.D., 1957-
The closest threat to my title of Black Sheep, Bill was an Aggie. Went to U.T. Medical School, married Susan Brown. Three children: Tyler, Allison and Jordan.
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