Chemistry Application With the Chemistry application of GWW you can do the following:
  • Create the chemical portion of the Ground Water Information System (GWIS) with unlimited number (except for practical reasons!) of constituents and parameters. You may include any contaminant, trace metals, rare elements, and the like.
  • Display on the screen the following diagrams: STIFF, PIPER, WILCOX, and SCHOELLER. Customize the displays, colors, fonts and other attributes. Translate to languages other than English if you need so.
  • Add a location map to your reports.
  • Input data in ppm or epm units.
  • Import chemical data as ASCII files from other data base programs or spreadsheets.Prepare data for contouring, create internal files with random points to be used in the Mapping application for gridding and contouring.
  • Report chemical data in tables and graphs.
  • Create chemical constituent time series and print as stand-alone graphics.
  • Create chemical constituent concentration - depth diagrams and present them either as stand-alone graphics or as histograms superimposed on lithologic cross sections. The following eleven screens demonstrate the use and capabilities of the Chemistry Application.