Mapping Application (Utility)
Contouring any space-distributed parameter; such as any chemical constituent; interpolated water level or depth to water, transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity or any other hydrogeological parameter; stratigraphic contacts expressed as depth or absolute elevations; thicknesses of lithostratigraphic members; ground surface elevation; etc.
Adding color regions to the map.
Creating a gridded equidistant model from random values.
Digitizing, on screen with a mouse, lines, areas, and points.
Adding lines, areas, and text to the map.
Importing AutoCad's .dxf files (data interchange files) and exporting grid models, lines, areas, text, points, and contours to .dxf format.
Importing ASCII files containing the coordinates of points, lines, areas, grid models, and text.
Saving various thematic maps as a part of the information system.
Preparing various ASCII data files for direct input into the modeling software packages.
Using maps to reduce a large data set to a smaller subset belonging to a free-hand drawn area, a rectangle, or simply selecting wells point by point.
Using maps to select cross section lines and for selecting wells within a range from the cross section line to be plotted on the lithologic or stratigraphic cross section.
Using GWW as a post processor to modeling of flow and contaminant transport.
The following fifteen screens demonstrate the use and
capabilities of the Mapping Application.