Dow Jones: a bit up, NASDAQ: some up some down, FTSE: bearish, STI: a bit bullish, KLSE: monkeyish

This site was last updated on 16th May 2001

A new page dedicated to good movies and here
Picture Puzzle, Jokes, a much better photo page and background music (IE only) to most pages!

Why the name TaureaNapolis? Other than the fact that I'm a Taurean, well... I can't think of a better name for a homepage. Creativity has never been one of my strengths.

The purpose of me setting up this site? That has changed over the years. Let me see... my first line of HTML was probably written 5 years ago, with the purpose none other than to tell the whole world that I have a URL... then the real interest in building a more decent and attractive site came when I got too bored working on a summer project in HP. That was almost 2 years ago... Now it has become more like an archive of photos to be easily accessible by all. As I come to realise that it is also a good method of storing and safekeeping those invaluable memories. I will probably continue to do so as long as I have access to the required equipments and spare time of course... : )

My views on life? That has changed over the years as well, maybe a lot more recently than when I was young and naive(well, relatively I guess)... ... Other people shape our lives as we shape theirs... we slowly gain experience and unconsciously (or is it consciously?) choose the path we wish to walk. Nobody is perfect. On the other hand, everyone is perfect... it is just a matter of definition and subjective opinion... End of the day, life is complex if you allow it so; but it can be simple too if you make it so... Choose a path and Walk the path... Stay Cool. And remember to take a break : )

The new guestbook is up and running, I would really appreciate if you could leave your contact information on this database, Thx!

If you need a laugh, click

Check out the new Jokes page.

If you're bored, try some puzzles.

I also have a marketplace, best deal in town, quality guaranteed!

Don't forget to bookmark this page [Control + D] and come back again soon!