This is the dude of all time
Why is he a dude you ask??
Well just look at him
"I am a dude."
name: Heath Bergensen. aka. Rubetubes, Rubes, Rubins, or Stud Muffin.
dude factor: 100%
screening on: Channel Ten's Breakers 3:30pm & 11:30pm weeknights.
traits: DUDE (nothing more nothing less).
We at Big Boy Sconestm feel that a Dudetm
comes along, but once in a life time...
As pro dudes ourselves, we can smell true quality dudenesstm
a mile away.
In this case Heath Bergensen has not only passed the painstaking task
of being a dude,
He has given hope to you fucking losers who hope to some day become
So in our infinite wisdom we suggest that you watch Breakers, and worship
at the
almighty dudeness that Rubetubes displays every time he takes center
stage baby!!!
note: We really are wankers, we have no life, we are fat, and we site
on our fat asses and do this day in and day out. Also we eat chips and
gravy and i smell when I sit down for too long. And remember, we own the
rights to the word "dude" so every time you say it, you owe us money you
turkeys!!! Oh jeah!!! Channel Seven sucks big time. If you watch it, you
are part of mainstream Australia, and you don't have an original thought
in that puny brain of yours. Your favourite celebrity is Bruce McAvany
or Denise Drysdale, and you love Live & Kicking, and Blue Heelers.
We have five words for you: Get A Life!!!... (Channel Seven will probably
steal our ideas and you'll soon be seeing the Big Boy Scones hour starring
Denise and Alf from Home and Away. If this ever occurs we will come 'round
your house put blow up chickens on your doorstep, ring the doorbell and
run away. And there's nothing you can do about it baby!!! Belinda Carlisle
RULES! so does Philip Glasp. Fill in your "Dude of The Year" application
forms at this e-mail address: that'll do... seeya.