Mental's after you........
Hey thanks for stopping by my

Unreal Tournament 2003 Site.

I have been working with unrealEd 3.0 and I have turned out some nice maps. They are getting better the more I learn about the editor and unreal script. As of right now I only have three maps. My best work so far I think is {MA}CHAMBER2K3 . It is my latest and greatest, (at least until my next one is done.. :P ) anyway check it out and also give {MA}SQUELCH (My first 2k3 map) and {MA}BURST ( my first 2k3 terrain map) a good look they are interesting works in their own.

One of my main objectives in my maps is competitive weapons and ammo placement. I like to put some ammo and armor in places to reward the more daring and creative players so keep your eyes open for pickups, and I assure you that ALL are reachable without the translocator. If you like my maps , have an improvement idea or just have some good old fashion criticism, I would love to hear from you. The more I hear about my maps the better my future creations will be. So E-mail me with your thoughts. Hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making and testing them. Later.
