The Freimann Family Tree

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Husband: Samuel WEGLEIN {1} [See Notes]
Birth:                     8 May 1865 Geldersheim
Address:                              Klotilde KATZENBERGER {2}
                                      Erlangen , Germany
Death:                     2 Nov 1942 Theresienstadt, [Bohemia] Czechoslovakia

Wife: Klotilde KATZENBERGER [See Notes]
Birth:                     1 Jul 1869 Massbach, Bayern, Germany {1}
Address:                              Samuel WEGLEIN {2}
                                      Erlangen , Germany
Death:                     7 Oct 1942 Theresienstadt, [Bohemia] Czechoslovakia {3}

Father: Louis David KATZENBERGER Mother: Helene ADELBERG {4}
M  Willi WEGLEIN [See Notes]
Birth:                           1892 Erlangen , Germany
Death:                betw 1914 and 1917

M  Leo WEGLEIN [See Notes]
Birth:                    12 Mar 1895 Erlangen , Germany
Marriage:                 10 Apr 1929 Else FREIMANN
Address:                         1936 Spittlertorgraben , Nuernberg
Emigration:                      1939 Else FREIMANN
                                      to the US
Address:                              Else FREIMANN
                                      Paterson , New-Jersey
Death:                       Dec 1969 Paterson , New-Jersey

Birth:                           1896
Death:                     8 May 1945

M  Sally (Sol) WEGLEIN [See Notes]
Birth:                    23 Jul 1898
Address:                     aft 1930 Marga ISRAEL
                                      Nuernberg , Germany
Immigration:                     1938 Marga ISRAEL
                                      the USA
Address:                     aft 1938 Marga ISRAEL
                                      New York, NY
Death:                       Mar 1972 New York, NY

Birth:                     7 Nov 1902 Schweinfurt , Bayern
Death:                    16 Nov 1993

* Small numbers in brackets { } after names and events refer to source citations below.

* Numbers in brackets { } indicate the number reference in Bibliography.
  1. Central card index- Theresienstadt Remembrance Association - Givat Chayim. {1}
  2. Jewishgen website:"Nuremberg's Victims of Shoah". {2}
  3. Letter from DK, 15.4.1945. {3}
  4. Aschbacher Matrikel (register) - 1822. {4}

* Numbers in brackets { } indicate the number reference in Repository List.
  1. Central card index- Theresienstadt Remembrance Association - Givat Chayim.
  2. Jewishgen website:"Nuremberg's Victims of Shoah".
  3. Letter from DK, 15.4.1945.
  4. Aschbacher Matrikel (register) - 1822. Geburtsregister, Heiratsregister ,Sterberegister .


Welcome to the Freimann family tree web-site. This site contains genealogical data of individuals related to my family , the Freimanns and the Katzenbergers from Germany , as well as my wife's family , the Lasnicks. I wish to thank Thea and Heinz Skyte , who have done a remarkable research on the Jewish Community of Sugenheim, for so generously sharing their "Freimann" data with me. Special gratitude also goes to David Seldner, my friend and cousin , and to Christiane Kohl , for their crucial help and contribution to the "Katzenberger" research. If you have any information or connections to the above individuals, please let me know. Thank you. Joach Freimann , Israel.

Web page built by Cumberland Family Tree, 29 Sep 2005