Husband: Alfred SELDNER [See Notes] Birth: 28 Feb 1895 Immigration: 1940 Bella LEDERMANN the USA Address: bef 1940 Bella LEDERMANN Krautheim , Germany Address: Bella LEDERMANN Cleveland,Ohio,USA Death: 31 Oct 1965 |
Wife: Bella LEDERMANN [See Notes] Birth: 7 May 1902 Kuenzelsau , Schwaben Address: bef 1940 Alfred SELDNER Krautheim , Germany Immigration: 1940 Alfred SELDNER the USA Address: Alfred SELDNER Cleveland,Ohio,USA Death: 19 Jan 1980 Cleveland, Ohio, USA |
M Kurt SELDNER Birth: 19 Dec 1926 Krautheim , Germany Immigration: 1940 the USA Marriage: 25 Jul 1953 Ann Mary SHILL Address: Ann Mary SHILL Cleveland,Ohio,USA Death: 4 Sep 1986 Cleveland, Ohio, USA |
F Bertha SELDNER Birth: 1929 |
F Margriet Regina SELDNER Birth: 1931 Death: 1997 |