In June 1941, the Nazis invaded Lithuania. Already in the first "Akzia" , 22.6.1941, Hanna's
husband and her brother were shot . Shortly after, Hanna , her daughter and her mother, had
to leave their house in Schanz and move into Ghetto Slawodke , Kovno. In the Ghetto, they stayed
in one appartment, and next stayed Abrasha's parents, Nechome and Pinchos, with their daughters
Tsila, Myurke and Malka (who was married and had a child, Sara). Hanna managed to get a job with the Germans outside the Ghetto, and received a special permit to leave the Ghetto each day. When the "Kinder Akzien" (sending the children to the death camps) began, Hanna smuggled her daughter Zazik and later on also Sara out of the Ghetto, through thefences, in a big rucksack, and left them with a Polish family. She sold some valuables she had , and used the money to pay these gentiles , to hide the children in their homes. After the liberation of Lithuania in 1945, Hanna came to the village where Zazik was hiding, and took her and also Sara with her. ( Mofshowitz's brother had suddenly arrived from Russia, and took Sara with him. Later, Sara got married. Frida came to visit her in Russia, and sent her a visa to the States. Sara moved to the US with her husband and a daughter she had addopted in Russia.) |