Served in the Jewish Brigades in the British Army during WWII. He was killed during an Arab attack on Kibbutz Gezer in 1948.
Heinrich Freimann was born 25th October 1879 in Sugenheim. He was th e owner of a textile shop in Schnaittach. He was married to Norie Freimann, bo rn 14th December 1888 in Ermetshausen. the couple had four children: - Paula (b. Schnaittach 27th Oct. 1910) - Paul (b. Schnaittach 24th Dec. 1914; d. Schnaittach 13th Dec. 1979 ) - Herta (b. Schnaittach 7th Oct. 1919) - Kurt (b. Schnaittach 18. Oct. 1931)spouse: Freimann, Heinrich (1879 - 1952)The Freimann family business was destroyed during the November pogro m 1938. Heinrich and Norie Freimann left Schnaittach soon afterwards and move d to Nčurnberg
Paul Freimann emigrated to France in 1933 where he was later joined b y his parents. During the war years Heinrich, Norie and Paul Freimann were h idden in a monastary in France, where Paul was baptized. In the monastry he met E lly Blčumlein, a Jewess from Leipzig who also converted. They got married a nd in June 1951 Paul and Elly Freimann returned to Schnaittach and reopend t he former family business. They are burried on the catholic cemetary in Schnaitt ach. Elly Freimann was in posession of a chanukka lamp that she took from Leipzi g to France and back to Schnaittach. Shortly before she died she gave it t o a Schnaittach friend who donated to the Jewish Museum half a year ago .
In 1935 Paula Freimann also emigrated to France. That's the only infor mation on her.
In 1938 Herta and Kurt Freimann emigrated to the United States, wher e their parents joined them after the war. Norie Freimann died in New York o n 15th May, 1948. In April 1950 Heinrich Freimann returned to Schnaittach where h e died on 16th January, 1952. He was the last Schnaittach Jew who is burried the re. The tombstone is still existing.
Heinrich Freimann's brother Simon (b. 12th July, 1859) and Dina Freima nn (b. 18th July, 1866 in Sugenheim) moved from Schnaittach to Nčurnberg afte r the pogrom in November 1938. From there they were deported to Theresiensta dt in September 1942. Heinrich died there on 3rd December, 1942. Dina was ta ken to Minsk were she is missed ever since.
Thekla Freimann (b. 23rd April, 1864 in Cronheim) went to South Afric a in 1939.
We have several pictures of the Freimann family in our collection .
If you have a family tree of the Freimann Family we'd be glad to kee p a copy in our archives.
Monika Berthold-Hilpert Juedisches Museum Franken
Leo Frankel had two brothers : Max and Moritz. Max lives in Tel-Aviv , and his daughter is married to Uzi Gal, inventor of the "Uzi" machin e-gun.spouse: Erlanger, Frieda (1897 - 1989)
Studied in the Humanisches Gymnasium in Nurenberg , then -for 2 years - studied medicine in the Universities of Erlangen and Frankfurt. 192 3 - Chairman of the Blau-Weiss in Nurenberg. 1933 - Chairman of the Zi onist Organization in Nurenberg.1934- immigrated to Palestine. Serve d as an officer in the Israeli army until 1952. 1951- Chairman of th e Merchants Association in Jerusalem. 1978-awarded "Yakir Yerushalayim" by the mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kol ek.spouse: Katzenberger, Kaete (1907 - 2002)
Bernhard Freimann was a textile-and-leather dealer in Sugenheim. He got deeply involved in mis-speculations, leading to total bankrupc y and to his suicide in 1887.spouse: Weidenbaum, Regine (1827 - 1902)
"I have a vague recollection of Ida's son Berndt. He was, prior to th e Nazis, a university student , in an honour society. He had two big c uts in his face , which he had received in a sword-fight..." - Claud e Erlanger,1997. Berndt moved from Furth to Memmingen in 1927, and opened a small busin ess for knittware. In January 1942 he was forced to move to Fellheim ( 11km north of Memmingen), then to Munich, from where he was deported ( April 3rd 1942) with his wife and child to Piaski concentration camp.spouse: Guggenheimer, Lise Zelina (1907 - 1942)
Chanan (Hans) was born in Nurenberg and immigrated with his parents an d his older brother, Yehuda, to Palestine in 1934. He graduated the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem. Member of the "Zofim " youth-movement. Loved literature,classical music and art. He joined the IDF airforce in August 1948, and in 1952 became leutenan t and flight instructor. (Finished "Kurs Tayis No . 3 " 12.4.51, and became instructor at Kana f 12) During that year, in his free time, he translated a book that he love d , "12 O'clock High" into Hebrew. On May 14th 1952 his plane crashed into the sea, south of Nebi Rubin , and he was killed. He was burried alongside with his brother Yehud a on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
Heinrich Freimann was born 25th October 1879 in Sugenheim. He was th e owner of a textile shop in Schnaittach. He was married to Norie Freimann, bo rn 14th December 1888 in Ermetshausen. the couple had four children: - Paula (b. Schnaittach 27th Oct. 1910) - Paul (b. Schnaittach 24th Dec. 1914; d. Schnaittach 13th Dec. 1979 ) - Herta (b. Schnaittach 7th Oct. 1919) - Kurt (b. Schnaittach 18. Oct. 1931)The Freimann family business was destroyed during the November pogro m 1938. Heinrich and Norie Freimann left Schnaittach soon afterwards and move d to Nčurnberg
Paul Freimann emigrated to France in 1933 where he was later joined b y his parents. During the war years Heinrich, Norie and Paul Freimann were h idden in a monastary in France, where Paul was baptized. In the monastry he met E lly Blčumlein, a Jewess from Leipzig who also converted. They got married a nd in June 1951 Paul and Elly Freimann returned to Schnaittach and reopend t he former family business. They are burried on the catholic cemetary in Schnaitt ach. Elly Freimann was in posession of a chanukka lamp that she took from Leipzi g to France and back to Schnaittach. Shortly before she died she gave it t o a Schnaittach friend who donated to the Jewish Museum half a year ago .
In 1935 Paula Freimann also emigrated to France. That's the only infor mation on her.
In 1938 Herta and Kurt Freimann emigrated to the United States, wher e their parents joined them after the war. Norie Freimann died in New York o n 15th May, 1948. In April 1950 Heinrich Freimann returned to Schnaittach where h e died on 16th January, 1952. He was the last Schnaittach Jew who is burried the re. The tombstone is still existing.
Heinrich Freimann's brother Simon (b. 12th July, 1859) and Dina Freima nn (b. 18th July, 1866 in Sugenheim) moved from Schnaittach to Nčurnberg afte r the pogrom in November 1938. From there they were deported to Theresiensta dt in September 1942. Simon died there on 3rd December, 1942. Dina was take n to Minsk were she is missed ever since.
Married Isaak Isidor FINKE,born 21.3.1890 Teilheim.spouse: Finke, Isaak Isidor (1890 - )
After graduating the Agricultural-Highschool in Jerusalem in 1955 , Gi deon moved to Kibbutz Magal , where he met Rachel, and in 1957 they go t married. Gideon and Rachel stayed in Magal until after the birth of their son A mir in 1958. Then they left the Kibbutz , and returned to Jerusalem. Two years late r they bought a farm in Moshav Bney-Tsiyon , where their two other ki ds , Nitsan and Sharon , were born. They have a big flower-farm for export to the Dutch flower-exchange . After his father's death in 1988 , Gideon became a partially-active p artner in "Freimann + Bein" , but continued his agricultural career i n Bney-Tsiyon.spouse: Bar-Am, Rachel (? - 2003)
0n 17.3.1942, the Freimanns were forced to move from Memmingen to Fel lheim. Two weeks later they were deported to Piaski CC, where they d ied.
Bavarian Jews did not adopt family names until 1813/1817. The Freimanns (adopted name) lived in Sugenheim, Mittelfranken. In 180 8 there were 121 Jews living in Sugenheim. Mittelfranken became part of the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1813. Bavaria n Judenedict of 1813 ordered Jews to take family names. Hayum Wolf Maentel (Heyum Mandel) , "Schutz-und-Handelsjude" was a ca ttle dealer in Sugenheim, under the protection of Baron von Seckendorf f. He earned his living from trading in livestock. Between 1809-1815 he adopted the surname FREIMANN. In 1823 , Hajum Mendel Freymann , together with Loeser Herbst and Samu el Gutmann , bought house No. 22 in Ezelheim/Sugenheim for 1107 Flori nes. In 1829 , Hayum Wolf Freimann signed for the establishment of a Jewis h elementary school. He and Simon Samuel Guttmann leased the "Meiere i Hof" in Sugenheim from 1812 to 1832.spouse: Neumann, Bella (? - 1871)
Heinrich had a leather-goods store "Koffer und Lederwaren" , in Schwab acherstrasse in Furth.They lived above the shop. On the 13 Of April 1933 , Heinrich was found dead in his apartment.Cau se of death:Suicide (He had hanged himself ).This was shortly after th e "Boycott-Tag" against Jewish stores (1.4.33). 1938 During "Kristallnacht" (November 9/10) the Jewish shops along Sch wabacher Strasse are destroyed and looted.spouse: Erlanger, Ida (1868 - >1942)
Heinrich Freimann was born 25th October 1879 in Sugenheim. He was th e owner of a textile shop in Schnaittach. He was married to Norie , born 14t h December 1888 in Ermetshausen. the couple had four children: - Paula (b. Schnaittach 27th Oct. 1910) - Paul (b. Schnaittach 24th Dec. 1914; d. Schnaittach 13th Dec. 1979 ) - Herta (b. Schnaittach 7th Oct. 1919) - Kurt (b. Schnaittach 18. Oct. 1931) The Freimann family business was destroyed during the November pogro m 1938. Heinrich and Norie Freimann left Schnaittach soon afterwards and move d to Nčurnberg . Paul Freimann emigrated to France in 1933 where he was later joined b y his parents. During the war years Heinrich, Norie and Paul Freimann were h idden in a monastary in France, where Paul was baptized. In the monastry he met E lly Blčumlein, a Jewess from Leipzig who also converted. They got married a nd in June 1951 Paul and Elly Freimann returned to Schnaittach and reopend t he former family business. They are burried on the catholic cemetary in Schnaitt ach. Elly Freimann was in posession of a chanukka lamp that she took from Leipzi g to France and back to Schnaittach. Shortly before she died she gave it t o a Schnaittach friend who donated to the Jewish Museum half a year ago . In 1935 Paula Freimann also emigrated to France. That's the only infor mation on her. In 1938 Herta and Kurt Freimann emigrated to the United States, wher e their parents joined them after the war. Norie Freimann died in New York o n 15th May, 1948. In April 1950 Heinrich Freimann returned to Schnaittach where h e died on 16th January, 1952. He was the last Schnaittach Jew who is burried the re. The tombstone is still existing. Heinrich Freimann's brother Simon (b. 12th July, 1859) and Dina Freima nn (b. 18th July, 1866 in Sugenheim) moved from Schnaittach to Nčurnberg afte r the pogrom in November 1938. From there they were deported to Theresiensta dt in September 1942.Simon died there on 3rd December, 1942. Dina was take n to Minsk were she is missed ever since. Thekla Freimann (b. 23rd April, 1864 in Cronheim) went to South Afric a in 1939.spouse: Fichtelberger, Norma (Norie) (1888 - 1948)Monika Berthold-Hilpert Juedisches Museum Franken
Henry worked for a promotion company in NY for 20 years, then retired , but continues working as a sales person at "Banana Republic". His wife Clarie is an associate director of education with the Metropo litan Opera Guild.(2001)spouse: de Groot, Clara L
Hermann Freimann owned a store and workshop "Freimann Koffer und Leder waren" , at Koenigstrasse 27, Nurenberg. He and his family also live d in the same building , above the store. In February 1937 , Hermann and Betty made a trip to Palestine , to vis it their children and grandchildren, and shortly after returned to Ger many. In September 1938 Hermann was forced to sign a liquidation notice of h is business. On the 10th of September 1942, all remaining Jewish inhabitants of Nur enberg (everyone over 65) were deported to Theresienstadt. Among the m were also Hermann and Betty Freimann. Hermann died in Teresin on April 26, 1943 . Betty was transported to Auschwitz in October 1944 and was murdered th ere.spouse: Erlanger, Betty (1880 - 1944)
Heinrich Freimann was born 25th October 1879 in Sugenheim. He was th e owner of a textile shop in Schnaittach. He was married to Norie Freimann, bo rn 14th December 1888 in Ermetshausen. the couple had four children: - Paula (b. Schnaittach 27th Oct. 1910) - Paul (b. Schnaittach 24th Dec. 1914; d. Schnaittach 13th Dec. 1979 ) - Herta (b. Schnaittach 7th Oct. 1919) - Kurt (b. Schnaittach 18. Oct. 1931)spouse: Wilmers, ErnestThe Freimann family business was destroyed during the November pogro m 1938. Heinrich and Norie Freimann left Schnaittach soon afterwards and move d to Nčurnberg
Paul Freimann emigrated to France in 1933 where he was later joined b y his parents. During the war years Heinrich, Norie and Paul Freimann were h idden in a monastary in France, where Paul was baptized. In the monastry he met E lly Blčumlein, a Jewess from Leipzig who also converted. They got married a nd in June 1951 Paul and Elly Freimann returned to Schnaittach and reopend t he former family business. They are burried on the catholic cemetary in Schnaitt ach. Elly Freimann was in posession of a chanukka lamp that she took from Leipzi g to France and back to Schnaittach. Shortly before she died she gave it t o a Schnaittach friend who donated to the Jewish Museum half a year ago .
In 1935 Paula Freimann also emigrated to France.
In 1938 Herta and Kurt Freimann emigrated to the United States, wher e their parents joined them after the war. Norie Freimann died in New York o n 15th May, 1948. In April 1950 Heinrich Freimann returned to Schnaittach where h e died on 16th January, 1952. He was the last Schnaittach Jew who is burried the re. The tombstone is still existing.
Heinrich Freimann's brother Simon (b. 12th July, 1859) and Dina Freima nn (b. 18th July, 1866 in Sugenheim) moved from Schnaittach to Nčurnberg afte r the pogrom in November 1938. From there they were deported to Theresiensta dt in September 1942. Heinrich died there on 3rd December, 1942. Dina was ta ken to Minsk were she is missed ever since.
Thekla Freimann (b. 23rd April, 1864 in Cronheim) went to South Afric a in 1939.
We have several pictures of the Freimann family in our collection .
Monika Berthold-Hilpert Juedisches Museum Franken
"Menachem Ben-Yechezkel"spouse: Klein, Lore
Eldest of the six known children of Hayum and Bella, born in Sugenheim , settled in nearby Ullstadt. He was a rope maker in Ullstadt, near Sugenheim,as well as dealing i n cattle and hops.spouse: Langheimer, Sophie (1818 - )
In 1891, a tax registry in Sugenheim was signed by 30 Jewish families . Among those were Nr.13 Philipp Freimann , and Nr.24 Max Freimann.spouse: Wild, Thekla (1864 - 1957)
Heinrich Freimann was born 25th October 1879 in Sugenheim. He was th e owner of a textile shop in Schnaittach. He was married to Norie , born 14t h December 1888 in Ermetshausen. the couple had four children: - Paula (b. Schnaittach 27th Oct. 1910) - Paul (b. Schnaittach 24th Dec. 1914; d. Schnaittach 13th Dec. 1979 ) - Herta (b. Schnaittach 7th Oct. 1919) - Kurt (b. Schnaittach 18. Oct. 1931)The Freimann family business was destroyed during the November pogro m 1938. Heinrich and Norie Freimann left Schnaittach soon afterwards and move d to Nčurnberg .
Paul Freimann emigrated to France in 1933 where he was later joined b y his parents. During the war years Heinrich, Norie and Paul Freimann were h idden in a monastary in France, where Paul was baptized. In the monastry he met E lly Blčumlein, a Jewess from Leipzig who also converted. They got married a nd in June 1951 Paul and Elly Freimann returned to Schnaittach and reopend t he former family business. They are burried on the catholic cemetary in Schnaitt ach. Elly Freimann was in posession of a chanukka lamp that she took from Leipzi g to France and back to Schnaittach. Shortly before she died she gave it t o a Schnaittach friend who donated to the Jewish Museum half a year ago .
In 1935 Paula Freimann also emigrated to France. That's the only infor mation on her.
In 1938 Herta and Kurt Freimann emigrated to the United States, wher e their parents joined them after the war. Norie Freimann died in New York o n 15th May, 1948. In April 1950 Heinrich Freimann returned to Schnaittach where h e died on 16th January, 1952. He was the last Schnaittach Jew who is burried the re. The tombstone is still existing.
Heinrich Freimann's brother Simon (b. 12th July, 1859) and Dina Freima nn (b. 18th July, 1866 in Sugenheim) moved from Schnaittach to Nčurnberg afte r the pogrom in November 1938. From there they were deported to Theresiensta dt in September 1942. Simon died there on 3rd December, 1942. Dina was take n to Minsk were she is missed ever since.
Monika Berthold-Hilpert Juedisches Museum Franken
Mina was Dina's twin sister.spouse: Kramer, Alex
Heinrich Freimann was born 25th October 1879 in Sugenheim. He was th e owner of a textile shop in Schnaittach. He was married to Norie Freimann, bo rn 14th December 1888 in Ermetshausen. the couple had four children: - Paula (b. Schnaittach 27th Oct. 1910) - Paul (b. Schnaittach 24th Dec. 1914; d. Schnaittach 13th Dec.1979 ) - Herta (b. Schnaittach 7th Oct. 1919) - Kurt (b. Schnaittach 18. Oct. 1931)spouse: Blumlein, EllyThe Freimann family business was destroyed during the November pogro m 1938. Heinrich and Norie Freimann left Schnaittach soon afterwards and move d to Nčurnberg
Paul Freimann emigrated to France in 1933 where he was later joined b y his parents. During the war years Heinrich, Norie and Paul Freimann were h idden in a monastary in France, where Paul was baptized. In the monastry he met E lly Blčumlein, a Jewess from Leipzig who also converted. They got married a nd in June 1951 Paul and Elly Freimann returned to Schnaittach and reopend t he former family business. They are burried on the catholic cemetary in Schnaitt ach. Elly Freimann was in posession of a chanukka lamp that she took from Leipzi g to France and back to Schnaittach. Shortly before she died she gave it t o a Schnaittach friend who donated to the Jewish Museum half a year ago .
In 1935 Paula Freimann also emigrated to France. That's the only infor mation on her.
In 1938 Herta and Kurt Freimann emigrated to the United States, wher e their parents joined them after the war. Norie Freimann died in New York o n 15th May, 1948. In April 1950 Heinrich Freimann returned to Schnaittach where h e died on 16th January, 1952. He was the last Schnaittach Jew who is burried the re. The tombstone is still existing.
Heinrich Freimann's brother Simon (b. 12th July, 1859) and Dina Freima nn (b. 18th July, 1866 in Sugenheim) moved from Schnaittach to Nčurnberg afte r the pogrom in November 1938. From there they were deported to Theresiensta dt in September 1942. Heinrich died there on 3rd December, 1942. Dina was ta ken to Minsk were she is missed ever since.
Thekla Freimann (b. 23rd April, 1864 in Cronheim) went to South Afric a in 1939.
We have several pictures of the Freimann family in our collection .
If you have a family tree of the Freimann Family we'd be glad to kee p a copy in our archives.
Monika Berthold-Hilpert Juedisches Museum Franken
Heinrich Freimann was born 25th October 1879 in Sugenheim. He was th e owner of a textile shop in Schnaittach. He was married to Norie Freimann, bo rn 14th December 1888 in Ermetshausen. the couple had four children: - Paula (b. Schnaittach 27th Oct. 1910) - Paul (b. Schnaittach 24th Dec. 1914; d. Schnaittach 13th Dec. 1979 ) - Herta (b. Schnaittach 7th Oct. 1919) - Kurt (b. Schnaittach 18. Oct. 1931)spouse: Backer, OscarThe Freimann family business was destroyed during the November pogro m 1938. Heinrich and Norie Freimann left Schnaittach soon afterwards and move d to Nčurnberg
Paul Freimann emigrated to France in 1933 where he was later joined b y his parents. During the war years Heinrich, Norie and Paul Freimann were h idden in a monastary in France, where Paul was baptized. In the monastry he met E lly Blčumlein, a Jewess from Leipzig who also converted. They got married a nd in June 1951 Paul and Elly Freimann returned to Schnaittach and reopend t he former family business. They are burried on the catholic cemetary in Schnaitt ach. Elly Freimann was in posession of a chanukka lamp that she took from Leipzi g to France and back to Schnaittach. Shortly before she died she gave it t o a Schnaittach friend who donated to the Jewish Museum half a year ago .
In 1935 Paula Freimann also emigrated to France.
In 1938 Herta and Kurt Freimann emigrated to the United States, wher e their parents joined them after the war. Norie Freimann died in New York o n 15th May, 1948. In April 1950 Heinrich Freimann returned to Schnaittach where h e died on 16th January, 1952. He was the last Schnaittach Jew who is burried the re. The tombstone is still existing.
Heinrich Freimann's brother Simon (b. 12th July, 1859) and Dina Freima nn (b. 18th July, 1866 in Sugenheim) moved from Schnaittach to Nčurnberg afte r the pogrom in November 1938. From there they were deported to Theresiensta dt in September 1942. Heinrich died there on 3rd December, 1942. Dina was ta ken to Minsk were she is missed ever since.
Thekla Freimann (b. 23rd April, 1864 in Cronheim) went to South Afric a in 1939.
We have several pictures of the Freimann family in our collection .
If you have a family tree of the Freimann Family we'd be glad to kee p a copy in our archives.
Monika Berthold-Hilpert Juedisches Museum Franken
Philipp was a cattle dealer "Viehhaendler" in Sugenheim. He received his Matrikel 2155 in 1857.spouse: Saemann, Marianna (1836 - 1912)
Samuel was a tinsmith in Lauchheim.spouse: ???, Eva
Simon Freimann and his brother Heinrich owned together a textile sho p in Schnaittach. The Freimann family business was destroyed during the November pogro m 1938. Heinrich Freimann's brother Simon (b. 12th July, 1859) and Dina Freima nn (b. 18th July, 1866 in Sugenheim) moved from Schnaittach to Nčurnberg afte r the pogrom in November 1938. From there they were deported to Theresiensta dt in September 1942. Simon died there on 3rd December, 1942. Dina was take n to Minsk where she is missed ever since. Monika Berthold-Hilpert Juedisches Museum Frankenspouse: ??, ??********************************************************************** ********************* Between 1895 and 1898 a Simon Freimann of Schnaittach made a donatio n towards the building of a wall around the Jewish cemetery in Burghas lach. Thea Skyte ********************************************************************** **********************
Yehuda immigrated to Palestine with his parents in 1934. After 1937 h e became active as a leader in the "Tsofim" youth-movement , and gradu ated the "Gimnasia Rehavia". In 1946 he became a member of the Palmac h, working and undergoing military training in Kibbutz Ein-Gev , the n in Ein-Zeitim , their base near Safed . On January 2nd 1948 , he too k part in a military operation against an Arab village "Ein Zeitun" an d was badly injured. He was carried to a hospital in Tiberias , wher e he died of his wounds on January 3rd , and was burried in Ein-Gev.
He was a butcher in Nurenberg.spouse: Erlanger, Ella (1875 - 1944)
Medical assistant .spouse: Neubauer, Joachim (1950 - )