Kallmann (Kalonymus Halevi) is a patronym.Bavarian Jews did not adop t family names until 1813/1817. He lived in Kaubenheim. In 1746 , he bought a house in Sugenheim for h is son Berlein.spouse:
Heart Surgeon
an architect , lives in Even-Yehuda.
Max , the eldest brother, married Ilse in Germany. In 1938 they fled t o England with two children, leaving behind a baby-boy named Kurt, wh o stayed with Ilse's mother in Gotha. Shortly after their arrival, Ilse left Britain to the US, to look fo r a job for her husband. Meanwhile, the war broke, and Max was drafte d to the British army as a military doctor. They didn't see each othe r till the end of the war. Then , Max immigrated to the US and becam e a doctor there. After his death, Ilse went back to Germany to finish Medicine school , and died there. Their two children live in the States. Kurt was never heard of again.spouse: Bruck, Ilse
N.Jspouse: Lasnick (laznik), Chinke (1944 - )
1998- Studying in Argentina to become a dentist.
Mirka was an actress for seven years in South America, then she move d to New York, where in 1999 she got married.spouse: Schultz, Yitzchak (Jeffrey) Binyamin (1966 - )
Loew Isaac (Son of Isaac) was barnass of Sugenheim - he had received S ugenheim Schutz on August 13 , 1743, and got married around that time . Isaac, his father, gave him one half of his house No.79 , which he ha d bought before 1717, as a dowry . After the death of his father in 17 57, he bought the other half of his father's house from his brother Hi rsch Isaac. In 1788 the 72 year old Loew Isaac , who had been in Schutz in Sugenhe im for 45 years, was released from paying "Schutzgeld".spouse: ??, ??
Dr.Alexander Jessel was a lawyer in Frankfurt. He fled Germany before the War (1938) to Belgium,and lived with his wi fe Bertl in Brussels.spouse: Sichel, Berta (1889 - 1961)"Alexander left Belgium by his own on May 10, 1940. He went to France . There he was interned in the refugee camps St-Cyprien (datum unknown ), Gurs (from October 29, 1940 to March 14, 1941), Rivesaltes (from Ma rch 14, 1941 to July 9, 1941), Les Milles (from July 9, 1941 to an unk nown datum, but he was still there on July 21, 1942). In 1946, he was living in Zwitserland, in Schaffenhausen. His daughter , Ruth, married with HARLAN (forename unknown), according to the las t informations (in the 50's) lived in Courbevoie, France." (Miss Laure nce Schram, Archivist and searcher, Jewish Museum of Deportation and R esistance,Goswin de Stassartstreet, 153,2800 Mechelen,Belgium).
In 1946, Dr. Alex Jessel was living in Zwitserland, in Schaffenhausen . His daughter, Ruth, married with HARLAN (forename unknown), accordin g to the last informations (in the 50's) lived in Courbevoie, Zwitserl and.spouse: Harlan, ??? (? - 2001)Miss Laurence Schram, Archivist and searcher, Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance, Goswin de Stassartstreet, 153, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
Berlein Kallmann (Issachar Ben Kalonymus Ha''levi) born 1722 in Kauben heim, lived in 1745 in Obernbreit under Schwarzenbergischen Schutz.H e moved to Sugenheim in 1746, into a house which his father had bough t for him there. Kallmann is a patronym.Bavarian Jews did not adopt family names unti l 1813/1817.spouse: Samuel, Madel