Max Ledermann was head of the Jewish community in Kuenzelsau. In March 1933 he was badly beaten by the SA, and suffered a heart-atta ck, of which he died shortly after.spouse: Katzenberger, Rosa (1877 - 1942)
He studied medicine in Liege,Belgium , then returned back to Bialistoc k. Died with his parents in the death camps.
He studied medicine in France, then came back to Bialystock, and was k illed during the Holocaust.
Jews in Bavaria only adopted family names after 1813. Before that the y had patronyms, e.g. Maentel Loew means "Maentel, son of Loew".spouse: Baerlein, Terzele (1748 - 1817)Actum Markt Sugenheim , 5 August 1770 : Mendel Loew (Jud) is listed am ong the inhabitants who had paid taxes "Burger Geld" to the community . He was accepted into "Schutz" in Sugenheim , his Schutzbrief dated 18. 12.1769.
Abraham and Yette Sichel lived in Schluechtern. Yette had a rather large apartment in the upper floor, two stories abo ve the family business, which she conducted after her husband's deat h in 1907.spouse: Sichel, Leopold (1849 - 1907)
In the 1719 "Schutzbrief" (letter of protection) of the Altenstadt Jew ish community, a Itzig Meyer is named as one of the undersigned.He ma y thus be the founder of the local Meyer family.spouse:
"Shmuel Bar Meir"spouse: Loewenstein, Viola (1775 - 1847)
In June 1941, the Nazis invaded Lithuania. Already in the first "Akzia " , 22.6.1941, Hanna's husband and her brother were shot . Shortly aft er, Hanna , her daughter and her mother, had to leave their house in S chanz and move into Ghetto Slawodke , Kovno. In the Ghetto, they staye d in one appartment, and next stayed Abrasha's parents, Nechome and P inchos, with their daughters Tsila, Myurke and Malka (who was marrie d and had a child, Sara). Hanna managed to get a job with the Germans outside the Ghetto, and re ceived a special permit to leave the Ghetto each day. When the "Kinder Akzien" (sending the children to the death camps) beg an, Hanna smuggled her daughter Zazik and later on also Sara out of th e Ghetto, through thefences, in a big rucksack, and left them with a P olish family. She sold some valuables she had , and used the money to pay these gent iles , to hide the children in their homes.spouse: ??, ??After the liberation of Lithuania in 1945, Hanna came to the village w here Zazik was hiding, and took her and also Sara with her. ( Mofshowitz's brother had suddenly arrived from Russia, and took Sar a with him. Later, Sara got married. Frida came to visit her in Russia, and sent h er a visa to the States. Sara moved to the US with her husband and a d aughter she had addopted in Russia.)
Ludwig had immigrated to Grenoble, France, before the war. During th e war, he stayed in Grenoble, and for some time his cousin Lothar Erla nger (who managed to escape Germany) stayed with him there.spouse: Bergmann, Mathilde (? - 1999)