Samuel and Minna had a drygoods store in Guntersblum. The store was mostly run by Minna, her daughter Friedl, and her daught er's husband, Leo Frankel.spouse: Erlanger, Samuel (1869 - 1941)
Avraham (Abrasha) was chairman of the "Maccabi" movement in Kovno, an d participated in the "Maccabia" games in Palestine, before the war .spouse: Yakobsohn, Hanna (1918 - 1997)Shortly after the Nazis entered Lithuania in June 1941 , they gathere d all the Jews ages 18-30 from Kovno and shot them. Among the murde red were Hana's brother, Chone, and her husband Abraham.The execution s took place at the "Seventh Fort" in Kovno.
In June 1941, the Nazis invaded Lithuania. Already in the first "Akzia " , 22.6.1941, Hanna's husband and her brother were shot . Shortly aft er, Hanna , her daughter and her mother, had to leave their house in S chanz and move into Ghetto Slawodke , Kovno. In the Ghetto, they staye d in one appartment, and next stayed Abrasha's parents, Nechome and P inchos, with their daughters Tsila, Myurke and Malka (who was marrie d and had a child, Sara). Hanna managed to get a job with the Germans outside the Ghetto, and re ceived a special permit to leave the Ghetto each day. When the "Kinder Akzien" (sending the children to the death camps) beg an, Hanna smuggled her daughter Zazik and later on also Sara out of th e Ghetto, through thefences, in a big rucksack, and left them with a P olish family. She sold some valuables she had , and used the money to pay these gent iles , to hide the children in their homes. Zazik had to move and switch hiding places from time to time. At one t ime, she was hid by a young Polish woman, who was the lover of an SS o fficer. Later, she hid in a museum building, but after that building had bee n bombed, she was taken to a house in the village. A Polish gentile, n amed Pranas, agreed to hide her at his relatives farm, telling them th at Zazik was his illegitimate daughter. All that time, Hanna stayed in the Ghetto, but after her mother was se nt to Schtutthof, a death camp in Germany, she decided to escape too.S he managed to do so just before the final extermination of the Ghetto . Hanna hid in a shelter that Pranas had found for her, separated from h er daughter , until the end of the war. After the liberation of Lithuania in 1945, Hanna came to the village w here Zazik was hiding, and took her and also Sara with her. Hanna and Zazik moved on to Vilna , and then crossed the border to Pol and and from there to Austria. In Austria , Hanna met her second husband Arie, and got married in 194 8. In 1952, Hanna , Arie and Zazik immigrated to Israel.spouse: Perets, Yehuda (? - 1995)
Marie worked at her father's shoe store.spouse: Oppenheimer, Ludwig
Susan was married and divorced.She is a practicing lawyer.She remarrie d in the 80's and lives in the Washinton DC area.
Family later adopts the name HEROLDspouse: Kallmann, Rosele
Klaire was deported to Izbica on the 24th of March 1942 , together wit h her husband Max. Exact date of death unknown.spouse: Katzenberger, Max (1878 - 1942)
Claire, Leo's wife, was a cousin of the three Sichel sisters (the wiv es of Max and David). On the 23rd of March 1942, the 58 year old Klara Katzenberger was dep orted to Izbica am Wieprzkreis Krasnystaw district Lublin. Izbica was a transit camp, just a few miles away from the Belzec death -camp with its gas chambers. The exact date of her death is unknown.spouse: Katzenberger, Leo (Lehmann) (1873 - 1942)
Abraham and Yette had a house in Schluechtern.In this house they live d upstairs, beneath lived Karolina Sichel, and downstairs was the stor e .spouse: Mainzer, Jette (1853 - 1933)
Dr. Max Sichel (onkel Max) studied medicine , and became a successfu l doctor in Chemnitz. He was a zionist , maybe the first in the family, and made one or tw o journeys to Palestine.In the early thirties, he immigrated to Palest ine , and lived in jerusalem.spouse: , Dina
Siegmund Sichel worked in the family leather-goods store in Schluechte rn, together with Abraham and Yette Sichel.spouse: , Martha