Now what could I call that spectacular fall..?! Well just read on and start speakin' the speak with your bad self..!..yo!
Or why not print this out and take it to the slopes?! Show me what you can do?!!
Any trick in the halfpipe where the wall is approached riding forwards, no rotation is made, and the snowboarder lands riding backwards.
A term used to describe any maneuver in the halfpipe where one rotates 180 or more degrees in an uphill direction; that is, rotating backside on the frontside wall or rotating frontside on the backside wall
Alpine Snowboarding
This term is most often used to describe riding a directional carving board with hardboots and plate bindings. Since there is no such thing as Nordic or cross-country snowboarding it is not used to describe snowboarding in general.
A rear handed backside handplant with a front handed grab.
Asymmetrical Sidecut
Snowboard sidecut design in which the toe edge and heel edge have different sidecut radii. In shifted asymmetrical sidecut boards the center of the heel sidecut radius is shifted farther back than the toe side radius in order to compensate for the center of weight distribution which differs between toe and heel edges.
The backside of the snowboard is the side where the heels rest; and the backside of the snowboarder is the side to which his/her back faces.
Backside Air
Any air performed on the backside wall of the halfpipe.
Backside Rotation
A rotation in which your back the first thing to cross the vector in which you're traveling. i.e. clockwise for a regular-footer, and counter-clockwise for a goofy-footer.
Backside wall
If you ride straight down the pipe the backside wall is the wall that your back faces.
A term used to describe crashing or falling. e.g. "He bailed and landed on his head."
A term used to describe something that is not good. e.g. "It's pretty beat that we have to shape the pipe all day."
The degree of angle to which the edges of a snowboard are tuned. Snowboards used for racing and carving should have a greater bevel than say a snowboard used in the halfpipe.
A term given to any rotation where the snowboarder has oriented themselves "blind" to their takeoff or landing and must stretch to look over their shoulder. Such a technique usually increases the difficulty. (e.g. A backside alley oop air in the halfpipe is often harder than a frontside alley oop air because it is blindside).
A term used to explain the emphasis of style in a trick. In other words, if someone "boned out a method" they would grab hard and create an emphasis of the maneuver such that his/her legs or arms may appear extended or stretched to a maximum degree. To "Bone" means to straighten one or both legs.
The act of hitting a no-snow object with the snowboard (e.g. A tail bonk could be hitting a picnic table with the tail of the snowboard).
A term used to describe catching air off of a jump. e.g."He boosted ten feet out of the halfpipe."
Burger Flip
A halfpipe trick in which the rider performs a switch 180 to late McTwist. One approaches the backside wall riding fakie, rotates 180 degrees in the air, and then reenters the pipe while doing a McTwist. Invented by Todd Richards.
A term used the same as the verb "to do" only with more emphasis. e.g. "He busted a huge air over that tree."
Caballerial (Cab)
A halfpipe trick which begins fakie, spins 360 degrees, and lands riding forward.
Canadian Bacon Air
The rear hand reaches behind the rear leg to grab the toe edge between the bindings while the rear leg is boned.
When the snowboard vibrates unnecessarily. Usually this happens at higher speeds and through turns. Racers are always trying to reduce chatter in their boards so they can stay in control.
Chicken Salad Air
The rear hand reaches between the legs and grabs the heel edge between the bindings while the front leg is boned. Also, the wrist is rotated inward to complete the grab.
When a snowcat freshly grooms a trail it will leave a finely ridged surface. Corduroy is usual very nice for laying out clean turns.
A term used to describe a very fast and tightly performed rotation, either free riding or in the halfpipe. A term used to describe any rotation which is off-axis.v
Crail Air
The rear hand grabs the toe edge in front of the front foot while the rear leg is boned.
A term used to describe a crash or fall. e.g. "He fell off the lift and cratered into a snow bank."
Cruiser Run
What you call making a relaxed and mellow run on a fairly smooth trail.
The technique of reducing vibration of the snowboard in order to increase handling at high speeds. Some boards have a dampening material such as rubber laminated into the snowboard. As an alternative, some racers attach various materials to the topsheet.
The process of "unsharpening" the edges of the snowboard. Most people detune the edges around the nose and tail so they don't catch in the snow.
Double Handed Grab
Simultaneously grabbing the snowboard with both hands while in the air.
A term used to describe stance angles with toes pointing outward like a duck.
A one handed 180 degree backside rotated invert in which the front hand is planted on the lip of the halfpipe wall.
An invert where the halfpipe wall is approached fakie, the rear hand is planted, a 360 degree backside rotation is made, and the rider lands going forward.
A term for riding backwards.
Fall Line
The path of least resistance down any given slope, the direction that gravity would pull you.
Used to describe how exceptional something is like a "Phat Air" might be a really styled out trick as well as being "large", that is, very high.
To slide with the board parallel to the coping.
A term used to describe riding badly and out of control. e.g. "He flailed off the jump and hit a tree."
If someone gives you free product, they "flowed" you some stuff. a.k.a. Bro-form.
Flying Squirrel Air
Bending at the knees and grabbing the heel edge of the snowboard with both hands; the front hand near the front foot, and the rear hand near the rear foot.
Fresh Fish Air
The backside version of the Stale Fish.
Fontside Air
A true Frontside Air is performed on the toeside wall of a halfpipe with a grab to the toeside edge between the feet. A frontside air can be any air performed on the toeside wall of the halfpipe
Frontside Rotation
Rotating the direction your front heel points.
Gap Jump
A jump constructed with empty space in-between the takeoff and the landing. Not clearing the gap usually has detrimental consequences.
To grab either edge of the snowboard with one or both hands.
To slide with the board parallel to the coping.
Grommet (Grom)
Another name for a small, young snowboarder. Especially one who is very "in" to snowboarding.
Handplant Backside
A 180 degree handplant in which both hands or the rear hand may be planted on the lip of the wall and the rotation is backside.
Handplant Frontside
A 180 degree handplant in which the front hand is planted on the lip of the wall and the rotation is frontside.
Handplant Layback
A 180 degree handplant in which the rear hand is planted on the lip of the wall behind the take off point and the rotation is frontside.
A large groove that forms across the flat bottom and/or up the wall of a halfpipe. Usually it forms on the first hit of both sides of the walls where everyone is riding in the same place
An old-school general term given to any two handed handplant.
One who throws himself/herself wildly through the air and does not land on his/her feet.
The rear hand grabs the toe edge near the tail
Indy Air
A true "Indy Air" is performed backside with the rear hand grabbing between the bindings on the toe edge while the rear leg is boned. Done correctly the board will be even over high than the riders head.
A trick where the head is beneath the level of the board and the snowboarder balances on one or two hands.
Inverted Aerial
A maneuver where the snowboarder becomes airborne and upside down at any given moment
Japan Air
The front hand grabs the toe edge in front of the front foot(mute), both knees are bent, the rear leg boned, and the board is pulled to the level of the head.
The act of riding on something other than snow, i.e. rails, trees, garbage cans, logs.
A term used to describe when something is not good. e.g. "This really lame guy cut me off in the lift line.
Lip trick
Any trick performed on or near the lip of the wall of the halfpipe.
Melonchollie Air
The front hand reaches behind the front leg and grabs the heel edge in-between the bindings while the front leg is boned.
Method air
The front hand grabs the heel edge, both knees are bent, and the board is pulled to level of the head.
Mosquito Air
A halfpipe trick in which the front hand reaches behind the front leg and grabs the heel edge between the bindings. The front knee is then bent to touch the board tuck knee style.
Mute Air
The front hand grabs the toe edge either between the toes or in front of the front foot.
Much like an Ollie only you spring off of your nose instead of your tail.
Nollie Frontflip
Springing off of the nose while going off of a jump and leaning forward, allows you to do a frontflip.
Nose bonk
To hit an object with the nose of the snowboard.
Nose Grab Air
The front hand grabs the nose of the snowboard
Nose Slide
To slide along the ground or an object solely on the nose of the snowboard
Nuclear Air
The rear hand reaches across the front of the body and grabs the heel edge in front of the front foot.
A method to obtain air without a jump by first lifting the front foot then lifting the rear foot as you spring off of the tail.
180 Air
The snowboarder rotates 180 degrees in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 180 degrees, and lands riding forward.
A term used to describe a crash or fall. e.g. "He packed into that snow bank and broke his leg."
Pipe Dragon
A grooming machine invented by Doug Waugh that shapes the walls of a halfpipe. It has a transitionally shaped cutting arm which is towed behind a snowcat.
If the Halfpipe is closed, or the powder field is roped off... and your rode it anyway... you poached it.
Pop Tart
Airing from fakie to forward in the halfpipe without rotation
One who pretends to be something one is not.
Pro Jump
A drop off built on a race course which is usually two to four feet in height.
A halfpipe with only one wall. In other words, a snow sculpted shape which contains a transition and a vertical, and is used as a jump to catch air.
A term used to describe making fast and hard turns.
To switch from riding fakie to forward, or from forward to fakie, usually while the snowboard is still touching the ground.
A term used to describe any maneuver where a rotation is initiated, stopped, and its' momentum reversed.
Roast Beef Air
The rear hand reaches between the legs and grabs the heel edge between the bindings while the rear leg is boned.
Rolling down the windows
A phrase used to describe when someone is caught off balance and they rotate their arms wildly in the air to try and recover.
Sick (slang!)
An expression used to describe something exceptionally good.
The act of riding along precariously and near falling.
A term used to describe someone who cuts in front of you in the lift line, or drops in front of you in the halfpipe.
When a maneuver is performed such that the point of emphasis in the maneuver is held or "stalled" for an extended period of time. Usually the best time to take a picture.
Riding with the legs spread open, (knees apart). !!?!
A term used to describe making a good landing.
Table Top
A jump in which the take off and landing is connected by a long flat surface. Ideally, one wants to clear the "table" and land on the down slope.
Tail Grab Air
The rear hand grabs the tail of the snowboard.
Tail Bonk
To hit an object with the tail of the snowboard
Tail Poke
Any maneuver where you bone your rear leg and "poke" the tail of the snowboard in a direction away from your body, usually while grabbing.
Tail Slide
To slide along the ground or an object solely on the tail of the snowboard.
Tail Wheelie
To ride solely on the tail of the snowboard with the nose in the air.
Taipan Air
The front hand reaches behind the front foot and grabs the toe edge between the bindings. The front knee is then bent to touch the board tuck knee style.
Toeside Turn
Making a turn on your toe side edge.
Tuck knee
A technique where one knee is bent and the ankle bent sideways in order to touch the knee to the snowboard between the bindings.
Something that is not good. e.g. "It's pretty wack that my board broke in half."
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