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Kilts Feature; Available
in Black Watch, Mackenzie and Gordon tartans, Royal Stewart
Tartan and Solid Black.
CAT GPC#1063 Piper's or Drummer's Plaids Shawl, Royal Stewart Tartan, Black Watch Tartan, Mackenzie Tartan, Dress Gordon Tartan. | |
CAT GPC#1066. Scottish Kilts, Royal Stewart Tartan, Hand made, 8 yards on material, 70% wool 30% synthetic wool, weight is 10-12 oz per yard, with leather belts and buckles length hip to bottom size 24" Middle weight size from 32" waist up to 48". |
CAT GPC#1067 Scottish Kilts, DRESS GORDON TARTAN. Hand made , 8 yards on material, 70% wool 30% synthetic wool, weight is 10-12 oz per yard, with leather belts and buckles length hip to bottom size 24" Middle weight size from 32" waist up to 48" . |
CAT GPC#1068. Scottish Kilts, Mackenzie Tartan, Hand made , 8 yards on material, 70% wool 30% synthetic wool, weight is 10-12 oz per yard, with leather belts and buckles length hip to bottom size 24" Middle weight size from 32" waist up to 48".
Cat GPC#1069. Scottish Kilts, Black Watch Tartan, Hand made , 8 yards on material, 70% wool 30% synthetic wool, weight is 10-12 oz per yard, with leather belts and buckles length hip to bottom size 24" Middle weight size from 32" waist up to 48". |
Cat GPC#1070. Scottish Kilts, Black Stewart Tartan, Hand made , 8 yards on material, 70% wool 30% synthetic wool, weight is 10-12 oz per yard, with leather belts and buckles length hip to bottom size 24" Middle weight size from 32" waist up to 48".
GPC# 1070/A Kilt Flashes, Black Watch Tartan, per pair per pair | GPC# 1070/B . Kilt Flashes, Royal Stewart Tartan, per pair |
Cat GPC# 1070/C Kilt Flashes, color available in RED, BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, per pair |
GPC# 1070/D.
Ghillie Brogues Kilt Shoes, Hand made fine cow hide leather upper leather sole, long tasseled laces, Rubber heel ( sizes 9 , 9 1/2, 10) |
GPC# 1070/E . Tartan Bow, available in following tartan, Black watch tartan, royal Stewart tartan, Mackenzie tartan. |
GPC# 1070/T. Tartan Neck Tie, available in following tartans, Black watch tartan, royal Stewart tartan, Mackenzie tartan. |
GPC#1071. Highland Glengarry, Plain, black color, with red or black pom pom, any size. |
GPC#1072. Highland Balmorals, Plain, Black Color, with red or black pom pom, any size. |
GPC#1073. Highland
Glengarry, Diced, black color, red, black
& white dicing with red or black pom pom, any Size. |
GPC#1073/d. Highland Balmorals, Diced, black color, red, black & white dicing with red or black pom pom, any size |
GPC#1073/k. Highland Glengarry, Plain, Khaki color, with red or black pom pom, any size. |
GPC#1073/m. Highland Glengarry, Black Color, red & white dicing with red or white pom pom, any size. |
GPC#1073/n. Highland Balmoral, Black Color, red & white dicing with red or white pom pom, any size. |
Glengarry, black color, Black & white dicing with red or black
pom pom, any Size.
GPC#1073/p. Highland Balmoral, black color, Black & white dicing with red or black pom pom, any size |
GPC#1073/q. Irish Caubeen Balmorals, Dark Green with rosetess, any size. | GPC#1073/r. Tartan Cap, available in following tartan, Royal Stewart Tartan, Mackenzie Tartan, Black Watch Tartan. |
Hat Size Chart
GPC# 1084 . Kilt belt, black leather, any size, with chrome thistle buckle(2 1/2 inches) Or GPC# 1084. Kilt belt, black leather, any size, with chrome thistle buckle(2 1/4 inches) |
Kilt Pins
CAT GPC#2021/A Sword Kilt Pin
CAT GPC#2021/B St. Andrews Kilt Pin
CAT GPC#2021/C Thistle Kilt Pin
CAT GPC# 2021/DShamrock kilt Pin |
GPC#2021/E Sword Kilt Pin |
KP-01 Lion Kilt Pin
CAT GPC# 2021/G Stag Kilt Pin
Prince Charlie Kilt Jacket >>>>>> Next
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