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  E x p e r t  A d v i c e

We are constantly working to improve our service, and we keep your comments and questions in mind.

Please write to us at: Jeffrey H. Bush, Attorney at Law, 110 North Oakland Avenue, P.O. Box 31, Oakland, Nebraska 68045. Telephone: 402-685-5151. E-mail: jefbus01@nol.org.

  F A Q s

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that people call about.

I bought a car from a dealer and the car just doesn't work. Can I return the car under the Lemon law?

Answer: Nebraska's Lemon law provides an arbitrated grievance procedure if a new car was sold under a warranty. The Uniform Commercial Code provides that an article may be returned under certain circumstances. But you must also file suit. It is important to have a warranty when you buy a vehicle.

The Lemon Law is available when a motor vehicle does not conform to the express warranty, and the manufacturer's agents or authorized dealer are unable to fix the motor vehicle after reasonable attempts at repair. Reasonable repair attempts are: (1) The consumer must have taken the vehicle to the dealer four or more times for repair of the same problem or (2) The consumer must have been without the use of the vehicle for 40 or more days total. In addition, the consumer must give the manufacturer written direct notification by certified mail and an opportunity to cure the alleged defect. Neb. Rev. Stat. sec. 60-2703.

 For a used car,

I need to enroll a child in school, but I am not the child's parent. What can I do?

Answer: You can set up a temporary guardianship (up to six months) by using a power of attorney. The child's parent can give such a power of attorney to enroll the child in school, for medical treatment, etc. If the child will be with you more than six months, perhaps you should set up a permanent guadianship.



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