Exhibitor and Breeder of Keeshonden since 1967. Founded in South Africa in 1967 on wholly UK bloodlines & relocated to New Zealand in 1996, where our kennel was "re-started" and founded on American bloodlines. A small, but top-winning Keeshond kennel based on some of the finest American & English bloodlines in the world.
Starkenburgh is situated on 8 acres of pastureland dotted with large trees, in the rural countryside about 50 kms from Auckland city centre.
All my dogs are raised together in my house as valued family members, who lounge on sofas and watch TV in our family room. They lead a very healthy lifestyle and unlike some Kees, do not spend their lives in kennels or cages.They swim in ponds, race around the acreage and are continually playing with and chasing each other... and if some coat hair gets displaced.. so what! They are pets first and foremost, and then show-dogs. Puppies are occasionally available, and then only to very select homes.
Our philosophy. It has never been our mission in life to subsidize the family income or to populate the world with little Kees. Nor have we bred litter after litter (like some kennels) in the hope that "this time we'll get a good one". In our breeding program we have always visualized the type that we are aiming for, and have looked very carefully into the conformation, pedigrees and background of our breeding stock. For the past 10 years we have analysed video footage of all the dogs exhibited annually at the National Keeshond show in USA. This has given us insight into the conformation, movement and type of most of the ancestry behind the majority of Australasia's imports, out of North America.
We have always been very selective in our choices and have been equally discerning in not allowing our stud dogs to be used on inferior or pet quality bitches. Nor do we support, unlike some kennels, back-yard breeders or the use of TradeMe and eBay for the advertising of our puppies.
Here at STARKENBURGH, we do not breed quantity, we aren�t �kennel blind�, and the next breeding should always be an improvement on the previous one...... A kennel, WHERE QUALITY REALLY COUNTS!!
NZ CH STARKENBURGH STOLE A KISS - "BELINDA" wins her 100th Challenge Certificate
(NZ Ch Calivale Sex Bomb (Aust Imp) x NZ Ch Starkenburgh Star So Magical)
wins a GROUP 2 @ Northland CA Champ Show - 24 Jan
And wins a GROUP 1 @ Hibiscus Champ show 1 Feb
Another GROUP 2 win @ North Shore KC Champ show 21 Feb.
@ Napier KC Champ show,29 March, Happy wins a GROUP 1, NZ BRED IN SHOW, and RESERVE BEST IN SHOW
@ Auckland KC Champ show, 11 April, Happy takes a GROUP 2
AND grand-son & half-brother,
by NZ Ch Calivale Sex Bomb (Aust Imp) x Starkenburgh Society Babe
At North Shore KC Champ show 22 Feb, at his 2nd show and at just 3.5 months old, Kirby wins not only RESERVE OF BREED, but also BEST BABY PUPPY OF GROUP, and
At NZKC Akld Benefit Champ Show 22 March, Kirby wins BABY PUPPY OF GROUP
At Kumeu Champ Show 18 April, Kirby wins BEST BABY PUPPY OF GROUP, and BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW !!!
Kirby's sister is yet to hit the show-ring!
Copyright � 2009, Starkenburgh Keeshonden. All information in this website is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without prior written permission from Starkenburgh Keeshonden.