There were many dogs exported to South Africa during the 1960's, 70's and 80's-- from kennels such as Sigelinski, Carlzdryk, Iverholm, Rhinevale, Duroya, Van Zaandam, Mazelands, Reages, Ven, Waakzaam, Ledwell, Gavimir, Oet et Laand van Aleer, Fearless, Tanglewood, Tingalary, and Wyndspell, --which gave us a fair selection to choose from. (SEE The Rise & Fall of the Keeshond in South Africa)
In 1984 we imported a male from Pam Luckhurst's "Gavimir" kennel in the UK. He was "Gavimir Gemsbok" by Eng Aust NZ Ch Gavimir Kiang x Gavimir Natica. He unfortunately had a very limited show career as he constantly suffered from the heat and humidity, in spite of air-conditioned facilities.