Banknotes from Asia

Please select the banknotes which you like. Read carefully The Order Information before to submit your order at my Order Form. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

ProductName My USD Price Code Country Pick
Date Denomination

AFAP64 $8.50
AFA Afghanistan P64
1993 10000

AZEP21 $8.00
AZE Azerbaijan P21
1994 10000

CNYP881 $0.15
CNY China P881
1980 1

CNYP884B $0.25
CNY China P884B
1990 1

CNYP885 $0.65
CNY China P885
1990 2

CNYP886 $2.00
CNY China 886
1980 5

CNYP887 $3.00
CNY China 887
1980 10

CNYP888 $10.00
CNY China P888
1990 50

CNYP889 $17.00
CNY China P889
1990 100

HKDP201 $4.25
HKD Hong Kong P201
1998 20

HKDP202 $9.50
HKD Hong Kong P202
1998 50

HKDP203 $18.00
HKD Hong Kong P203
1997 100

INRP91 $5.25
INR India P91
1996 100

IDRP130 $1.85
IDR Indonesia P130
1992 5000

IDRP137 $3.25
IDR Indonesia P137
1998 10000

KRSP7 $0.50
KRS Kyrgyzstan P7
1998 1

KRWP47 $2.50
KRW Korea, South P47
1983 1000

MYRPNEW $32.00
MYR Malaysia NEW
1998 50

MVRP11 $2.35
MVR Maldive Islands P11
1983 10

MVRP16 $1.35
MVR Maldive Islands P16
1998 5

MVRP12 $4.15
MVR Maldive Islands P12
1987 20

NPRP29 $0.50
NPR Nepal P29
1981 2

PHPNEW50 $3.00
PHP Philippines PNEW50
1998 50

PHPP168 $0.60
PHP Phillipines P168
1998 5

PHPP169 $0.70
PHP Phillipines P169
1993 10

PHPP171 $3.00
PHP Philippines P171
1999 50

PHPP172 $5.00
PHP Philippines P172
1998 100

PHPP182 $1.00
PHP Phillipines P182
1995 20

PHPP185 $21.50
PHP Philippines P185
1995 500

PHPP187 $6.25
PHP Philippines P187
1998 100

SGDP12 $21.00
SGD Singapore 12
1979 20

SGDP34 $2.00
SGD Singapore P34
1997 2

THBP101 $25.00
THB Thailand P101
1996 500

THBP97 $5.00
THB Thailand P97
1994 100

THBP99 $3.50
THB Thailand P99
1996 50

TRMP1 $0.35
TRM Turkmenistan P1
1993 1

TRMP2 $0.50
TRM Turkmenistan P2
1993 5

UZSP73 $0.10
UZS Uzbeckistan P73
1994 1

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