The Green Faction

  • Current Members
  • Active Missions

    Current Members of the Green Faction
  • Captain Fernsy the Ancient (Leader)
  • Commander Flying Monkey (Second, also colorless and red)
  • Lt. Commander Tiana (also black)
  • Lieutenant Feroz's Familiar Pheldy (also 5 Colour and Colourless)
  • Lieutenant forcemasteryoda
  • Lieutenant LeonDrkShade
  • Lieutenant Rofellos Elf Legend
  • Lieutenant The One PH
  • Lieutenant Willy, the Intellegent

    Roll of Honour

  • Eladamri - Deceased
  • Matrix's Neo - Retired
  • Multani, Maro-Sorcerer~ - Retired (?)

    Inactive Members

    Latest Reports on Active Green Faction Missions

    Flying Monkey's Weekly Status Report:

    The last week of the old year and the first of the new merged into a different sort of week for the green faction. I issued several sorts of ultimatums to the people in green faction who haven't turned in their armies yet, still undecided on what to do if they shouldn't do such a thing.

    On the 3rd, LeonDrkShade punched me to the ground and kidnapped Tiana. After consulting Nethya, I challanged Leon to a duel. After much fighting on the sixth, he revealed himself to be ClaudeAshton under a pseudonym. The duel ended in a draw and gained the green faction two new pages and a lot of notice.

    Apart from that, I began to beg people to bump the faction more, jsut to show what people were there so a full list could be sent in to Nethya.

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