We welcome you all to our web site. We also thank you for your numerous letters and suggestions.  We have produced our first two investment bulletins and is available to you through a yearly subscription .

Within our three months of existence we have, through your mails been able to understand you better.  It is in this spirit that we have three new services and reengineered our investment service now called Naijainvest.

Our service e2a, meaning email to(2) address, was created to help the investor effectively communicate with his/her Nigerian Partners ,Families friends  and relatives to communicate with one another.  As only a fraction of our population can afford a phone not to talk about a computer and an internet service, this is our own little way of bridging the gap.  It is in our spirit of bringing Nigerians to feel the effect of the internet.

The news bulletin Naijabeat, one of the three new services shall bring, straight to your email(if you so wish) news of events of the day.  The Naijabeat is despatched every evening.  The complete news of that day is thus received by you. 

Naijamart, an internet supermart on Nigeria related goods and services is our way of letting you out there reach out to those things you miss here.  To reduce cost, we advise customers to try and book things together.  The more the things are,  the easier for us to organise a cheap courier service.

Our re-engineered Naijainvest, has features like stock and money market for people to see how their stocks have performed throughout the month. It also now provides the opportunity for investors to put their money in Nigerian Stocks.

As we continue to move into the new millenium we dutifully shall continue to bring to you both abroad and in Nigeria the advantages of the Information Superhighway, as we remain

Yours faithfully,

For the :  THE TEAM

F.M. Fatogun and O. O. Ojutalayo



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