CurliGurli36: hi

Auto response from Web5894: I'm not here right now so please leave message

Web5894: Hi sweetcakes.....
CurliGurli36: wuts up?
Web5894: nuthin much
Web5894: how about u?
CurliGurli36: nuthin i was lookin 4 some1 who had a history review bc i didnt study 2day and im screwed 4 2morrow
Web5894: oh.............. can't help ya there
CurliGurli36: i was 2 excited bc it was so nice out and 2morrows the last day so itried 2 study outside but that didnt work bc i got really distracted and when i came inside 2 study i fell asleep
Web5894: i hear ya... it's vacation and all ya know.. gotta just relax.... chill.............
CurliGurli36: i give up i dont know it now and im not gonna know it 2morrow
CurliGurli36: so wut did u do 2day?
Web5894: a little bit of this ; a little bit of that............ 'twas a fine sunny delight outside.........
Web5894: perfect for a walk and a workout on the vocal chords
CurliGurli36: ya it was warm out it reminds me of summer , sounds like u had a nice day
CurliGurli36: o did u read my mail bout the circus?
Web5894: in the words of U2, a "beautiful day"
Web5894: no i didn't get it
CurliGurli36: i like that song
Web5894: yet another thing we have in common
CurliGurli36: coolness
Web5894: what about the circus?
CurliGurli36: o ok well its sat 4/14 at 11am and we should be back early afternoon its 10 $ and i gotta know pretty soon bc if u wanna go i ll give mary the $ so she can buy the tickets
Web5894: i'm terribly sorry but my friend Erika is making go to this holy saturday rehearsal ... way before the mass.... she wants our sound to be perfect and she's driving me nuts with all the vocal exercises she's making me do\
CurliGurli36: ok so ur def out then?
Web5894: i don't know... there's still a chance i could go
CurliGurli36: ok jus lemme know soon ok?
Web5894: OK .... so this is Dan's cousin Chuck... sorry i was playin around with you before
CurliGurli36: ok
CurliGurli36: i thought it seemed a lil weird
Web5894: he's mad that i'm typing to you, but ya know cousin's have to be annoying about Dan's girls... he doesn't have a big brother to do it .. so i have to
CurliGurli36: lol ok terrific
Web5894: so... he's going to the prom with you?
CurliGurli36: yup
Web5894: that's cool... what are u like?
CurliGurli36: i dunno wut do u wanna know?
Web5894: well... if you're as hot as i think you are..... you don't need to tell me what you look like........ let's go for your personality .. hobbies......... ya know .. the good stuff
CurliGurli36: lol uh ok terrific
CurliGurli36: i talk alot, i like 2 dance
CurliGurli36: shopping is another big thing
Web5894: oooOOOOooo a REAL woman!!!... talking, dancing and shopping...
CurliGurli36: um alright neway wut bout u? how old r u? wut do u do?
Web5894: i'm 19. i'm a DJ for Tommy Tunes..
Web5894: it sounds lame but i make mad money doing it
CurliGurli36: no i think that would be fun
Web5894: cool
CurliGurli36: u get 2 be at parties all the time and u meet new pepul so u like doing it?
Web5894: i go to C.W. Post college too
CurliGurli36: do u like it?
Web5894: it's great..i have a full scholarship and i major in pre-law
CurliGurli36: wow thats cool, i was going 2 apply there but i never did im leaning towards st. johns i think or mayb nazareth
Web5894: St. John's is a really good school
Web5894: my best friend goes there and she loves it... really nice people
CurliGurli36: ya they r giving me a pretty decent amount of money so i might go there
Web5894: so... do you date often?
CurliGurli36: i think if i go there though im gonna dorm bc my family drives me nuts
Web5894: i didnt know they had dorms?
CurliGurli36: ya they were just renovaated so they r pretty nice
Web5894: cool
CurliGurli36: if i dont dorm there ill probly just get an appartment over near there
Web5894: not to press you, but is Dan your main squeeze or do you play the field?
CurliGurli36: well i think me and dan r just going as friends 2 the prom
Web5894: oh....... oops... sorry... i'm an idiot...... i thought you were his girlfriend
Web5894: this isn't Molly?
CurliGurli36: lol no
Web5894: oh...
Web5894: oh............ Damn
Web5894: i feel so bad right now
CurliGurli36: um riiight
Web5894: well..... you still wanna talk?
Web5894: if not... would you not mention this to Dan?
CurliGurli36: sure but im gettin off soon bc i have 2 get up early
CurliGurli36: y?
Web5894: b/c i feel like a total ass
CurliGurli36: lol y? whos molly?
Web5894: well, you can say sumthing to him if you want to.... i understand.
Web5894: he'll tell you.
CurliGurli36: y dont u tell me?
Web5894: well... she's a girl that he's taking to his prom...
CurliGurli36: o
CurliGurli36: is she from his school?
Web5894: yea
CurliGurli36: and wuts up with it? r they an item?
Web5894: i don't really know the details ... that
Web5894: s why i was questioning you
CurliGurli36: im michelle, im taking dan 2 my prom i met him through a mutual friend
Web5894: oh cool
CurliGurli36: im curious now though, me and dan r just friends, but i never heard of this girl b4
Web5894: i don'
Web5894: t really know why
Web5894: that is
CurliGurli36: um ok
Web5894: anyway..... didn't mean to be a dick to you
CurliGurli36: its ok
Web5894: i'm gonna be off now... i've done enough damage already

Web5894: i'm sorry
CurliGurli36: bye dont be sorry
Web5894: i wish you an AMAZING prom!!!
CurliGurli36: i g2g also bb
Web5894: bye
CurliGurli36 signed off at 10:44:43 PM.