The Role
Life Insurance & Your Will

In drafting a will, difficulty can arise in the distribution of a client's estate in these areas:

A free computerized analysis of one's dependents needs can be arranged at no cost. This service provides the client with a true understanding of the effects of inflation on his dependents needs, as well as meeting his/her estate objectives such as:
A. special bequests
B. providing education funds for dependents
C. present cost of settling the estate


Liquid assets are a rare commodity to a business, be it farm or otherwise, as cash is usually reinvested in the business. The result is that substantial amounts of cash are frozen in various fixed assets critical to the day-to-day operations and to the development of the business, leaving little cash flow, available to the business owners estate.

A properly drawn-up agreement, funded with permanent life insurance with proper revisions, often provides the best guarantee that the farm/business transfer will take place harmoniously and will allow thereafter, an equitable distribution of the family assets among all heirs, as designated in the will.


As the saying goes, "There are only two things in life that are certain: death and taxes." While most of us carefully plan to minimize the income tax bite in our lifetime, we often overlook the large tax liability that can arise upon death.

Assets subject to tax on capital gains include:

How can you ensure that what's yours stays in the family while still dealing with your tax bite? Solid financial and estate planning by a recognized professional, and the right program of life insurance can provide ready cash for your beneficiaries to cover the taxes and expenses of your estate, at a time when it's needed most.

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