December 28, 1997
I am writing this diary early this morning. Since I joined Geocities, I learned HTML a lot. I bought a book 'Internet Language' written by Mr. Kasai and his son (a high school student). It is well written and very easy to understand. However, it's written in Japanese.
As I wrote in my home page, I am interested in translating technological texts from English into Japanese or other way round. If you are interested in the Japanese language and come across terms (not limited to technolological terms) which you would like to know, please ask about the terms in my Guest page. I try to answer that in this page.
December 30, 1997
As I was busy editing my home page yesterday, I had not time to write my diary.
By the way, let me explain something about the JSTC (Japan Society for Technical Communication). It was founded about 20 years ago by the people who had realized the importance of technical communication in English. JSTC carries out the test every year;B-, C-, and D-grade twice a year and A-garde once a year. The A-grade test examines how well you understand Engish texts and can translate texts form English into Japanese or the other way round. In the A preliminary examination, seven questions must be answered such as:
Translation of an English text into Japanese:
Virtual reality is an intriguing concept. It is the human experience of perceiving and interacting through sensors and effectors with a computer-modeled environment. A "traveler" to a virtual world is immersed in simulated sight and sound, and even touch. Ideally, the experience is presented so well that it excludes the reality of the senses, that is, the real world. Unlike preprogrammed computer graphics, virtual reality images are generated in real time according to where you look and go. The computer personally orients the images in response to movements it picks up from head-mounted display (HMDs), data gloves, exoskeletons, or other sensory devices the travelers is wearing. Fashion is less important than function for travelers in a virtual world.
My e-mail server is now shut down for the winter vacation. It starts to work again from Jan. 6, 98 again.
Translation of a Japanese text into English (ibid)
After passing the written test, you have to take an oral examination in which you are asked about technical communication by native/Japanese examiners in English. An example of the questions is "What are the most important points in technical writing?" If you can't answer that question clearly, conceisely, and correctly, you'll fail.
Very welcome your comments or questions.
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