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Three steps to secure the services of RARE Consultants 
  1. Write in confidence to the Chief consultant about your technical problem with details. 
  2. After preliminary contact, a technical discussion would be arranged between representatives of consulting industry /organization and the RARE Consultants. 
  3. A Project proposal based on the discussion along with the time frame and financial implications would be submitted by the RARE Consultants for approval and the work would be taken up immediately upon receiving the financial commitment. Mid project assessment and continous monitoring are the essential features of the services rendered by RARE Consultants. 


Chief Consultant
Professor Krishna B. Misra, Ph.D.
71, Vrindaban Vihar, Ajmer Road, 
Jaipur - 302 019 Rajasthan, India

Telefax: (0140) 394080
email :

OR Reliability Engineering Centre,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur - 721302,
 West Bengal, 

Fax: (03222) 55303,  Tel : (03222) 78628
email :


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