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During past 40 years, new materials, technologies, processes and have helped increase capabilities of many products, plants, systems and services to a degree of performance which was inconceivable in 1960s. Further, IT revolution and developments in computer technology has vastly changed the scenario and made modern systems more and more sophisticated and powerful.
This has put as enormous demand on their performance standards as their unreliability could cause extensive loss of capital, security and risk human lives. On the other hand, the international competition has increased both in industrial and defense sectors.
All this has generated a demand for a high performance product, systems and services and in fact is a matter of survivability for some organizations and companies in the world market.
Reliability of modern products and systems has a major impact on the profitability of industry and cost effectiveness of essential services. Defense and high investment sectors have national security and high monetary risk at stake. The increasingly prohibitive cost of support systems and low operational availability have stimulated changes in design to improve maintainability.
darling.jpg (170149 bytes) In the past, accidents have caused several environmental problems and in some cases have polluted the environmnt irrepairably. Also the industrial and developmental activities during the past several decades has caused severe damage to the flora and fauna and ecology of various regions of the world. Since the earth happens to be the last natural habitat of humanity, it is therefore, imperative that all future developmental activity be viewed from the point of pollution prevention and certainly not in isolation with the concept of sustainability.
Therefore any new developmental project must be subjected to environmental impact assessment studies, besides ensuring high reliability and safety of the system, if the societal obligations are to be honoured and the future generations have to survive in an ecofriendly environment. newmonjusea.jpg (9667 bytes)


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