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A History Of Our Club

In 1949, Inez Awty Schaffer suggested the idea of a personal meeting and the idea became a reality with a cocktail party sponsored by Inez's boss, Mr. John Bricker, and Mr. William G. Helis, Jr. Seventy-nine women from nineteen oil companies attended the cocktail party and it turned out to be such a success.

The Articles of Incorporation were being drawn up even before the first meeting, which was held on June 9, 1949, at the Petroleum Club. At this meeting the name of "Desk and Derrick Club" was unanimously agreed upon by the board. Club membership that first year was approximately 300 and dues were $3.00 per year. Clubs were soon formed in Jackson, Los Angeles and Houston.

In August 1949, the first issue of the New Orleans Desk and Derrick Times was published. The first Industry Appreciation Night was held on November 16, 1949 with 500 people attending. The cost was $2.00 per person.

In July, the Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs of North America was formed by Jackson, Los Angeles and Houston with New Orleans as the founding club. The New Orleans Club has the distinction of having its own Lee Wilson Hoover as the first Association president, Enid Bahle as secretary, and Virginia Murray as treasurer.

The first Association convention was held in 1952 in Houston and New Orleans hosted its first convention in 1956 with over 1,300 registrants out of a membership of almost 10,000, a record attendance at that time!

This is where it all began and this is why the New Orleans Club is


In North America!


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Created and Maintained by Bright Red Productions, LLC