Mission Bay “Short List” of COMMON ISSUES / POLICIES
Dogs must be leashed at all time & cleaned up after when walked. Palm Beach County numbers to call if there is a problem with animals running loose or animal nuisance are 233-1200 & 233-1213. Owners who do not leash their dogs, do not pick up after their dogs, or allow their dogs to bark continuously may be in violation of County Law. The County Animal Care & Control Division investigates alleged violations when at least two notarized affidavits are received from complaining neighbors.
Commercial vehicles, boats, motor homes, trailers, etc, are not allowed overnight in the community unless they can be parked in the garage.
Go-Peds or other motorized scooters are not allowed anywhere in Mission Bay.
Garages are for vehicular parking. It is against the By-Laws to turn the garage into any other type room.
PODS are allowed for a maximum time of seven days.
Street Parking is not allowed, especially after 12 Midnight., unless there is a special event, such as a party. Please advise the office so that Mission Bay Community Patrol will be notified. All of the villages have towing policies. Street parking is very unsafe, invites criminal activity and makes the community look seedy.
All improvements to exterior of the property require approval from the sub-association & master association BEFORE any work can be started. (such as painting, installation of pool, patio, driveway painting or resurfacing, decking, new landscaping other than flowers & small shrubs, new roof, etc.). A property survey showing the proposed change must accompany the design review application. Please follow the instructions for a speedy approval to occur.
Signs are not allowed in the community – for sale, contractor signs, etc. However, Open House signs are allowed on the weekends provided that the Association is notified in advance. (Call the Main Office for the specific policy)
Routine upkeep of property is mandatory & expected. Any deficiencies will result in deed restriction procedures being implemented – violation notices, and litigation, if necessary, to achieve compliance. This includes cleaning & painting of the home, mailbox & post maintenance, driveway & walkway maintenance, and landscape maintenance. Trash cans, toys and other lose objects must be stored out of sight. Ficus hedges must be kept trimmed.
Maintenance assessment are due the first day of each quarter – Jan 1st, April 1st, July 1st, Oct 1st. This includes individual homeowner associations as well as Mission Bay Community Association (master). Late fees and collection policies are procedurally enforced. Residents who are away (vacation, business, etc.) are still obligated to pay on time. Any address change must be provided to office personnel.
Copyright © 1999-2007 Mission Bay Community Association, Inc., All Right Reserved