Location The Kumkol field is located in the
South Turgai Basin, and is limited by the following geographic coordinates: 460 25' to 460 34' northern latitude and 650 30' to 650 43' eastern longitude. The Kumkol field is located in the Dzhezdy district of the Zhezkazgan Region of Central Kazakhstan, about 190 kilometres north of the regional capital city of Kyzylorda.
The Kumkol Field is located in a desert/steppe environment that supports livestock
grazing but not the cultivation of food crops. The climate is dry extreme continental with average precipitation of 10 to 15 centimetres per year. Seasonal temperature variation is large. Maximum summer temperatures reach +470C (in shadow), while minimum winter temperatures fall to –300C. The Average temperature in the summer is + 300C, while in winter the average temperature is -150C. There are no rivers or lakes in the region which carry water all year round. Drainage in the area is limited to runoff from rain and snow. The Kyzylorda Hydrogeological Expedition has drilled a number of artesian wells in the area in order to provide water for livestock.
Kumkol crude is processed at a central facility located at the south-east end of the Kumkol field. The crude is then sent to the Shymkent refinery through a lateral pipeline connecting to the central Asia and Middle Kazakhstan pipeline at Karakoin. Approximately half of the road between Kyzylorda and the Kumkol field is paved and the remainder is covered with gravel.
Field Development History
The Kumkol oil field was discovered in 1984 through exploration drilling, based on previous seismic activity. The field was initially put on production in 1990. Initial flow rates were in the range of 50 to 110 tonnes (60 to 130 m3) per day with some wells actually flowing at 130 tonnes (160 m3) per day for a short period of time. Due to a lack of pressure support from the underlying aquifer, the field was put on a flank water source wells. In 1994 the field was converted to a central water injection scheme with inverted 9 spot injection patterns. Currently, Kumkol oilfield voidage replacement is under balanced and average well rates are declining for both injectors and producers. The field is developed as 4 separate Objects. Each Object has its own individual reservoir characteristics resulting in variations in fluid properties, recovery factors, and depletion stage.
Kazakhstani geophisicists frequently used aeromagnetic, gravity and electrical surveys. The magnetic survey of the South Kumkol Turgai Basin was initiated in 1937. A number of magnetic anomalies were indentified. These formed the basis for follow-up seismic activity. The first boreholes were drilled in 1940.
Inspection of seismic coverage charts revealed a large number of long regional reconnaissance lines which were followed up in many areas with a 4 by 4 kilometre grid for more detail. When a promising structure was located, infilll acqisition used a 1 by 1 kilometre grid. As a result of the numerous surveys, the area is presently covered by a dense grid for a total of some 12.000 line kilometres. Equipment employed by the Kazakhstanis permitted recorded data to be transferred from floating points digital to half inch tape in a format that is compatible with modern processing centre. However, no computers or filters are used. Field systems could be upgraded to improve the high sampling frequency and the number of operating channels which in turn increases the number of common depth point samples.
The field was developed in four phases: Phases I through III developed the southern part of the field. Field ownership is divided into northern and southern halves. The southern part of the Kumkol field, which is 100% owned by HKM, is fully developed and currently has a reported 195 producing wells in operation. The northern part of the field, which is part of a 50:50 joint venture between HKM and LUKoil, has been well delineated by exploration drilling, well production testing and seismic investigations. Phase IV, initiated in 1995, started the development of the northern part of the field.