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Written by William B. Barr, MA

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Llygadwy Project Area

Architectural Features (AF)

The Masonry Tower (AF-1)

Chapel Foundation Wall (AF-2)

Roman Period Road (AF-3)

Twentieth Century Farmhouse (AF-4)

Cultural Resources Loci (L-1 through L-4)

Locus 1

Locus 2

Locus 3

Locus 4

Megalithic Stones (M-1 through M-2)


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The Phase I mapping and archaeological assessment survey of the Llygawdy site in xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx, xxxxxx, Wales was completed on November 12, 1999. A total of 2.03 ha (5.0 ac) was examined for the presence of intact cultural resources. Initial investigations of the site (Mason 1996), identified numerous components at the site spanning approximately 4000 years. The principal cultural components include evidence from the Neolithic Period, the Celtic era, and the Roman and Norman occupations of Wales. In addition, an eighteenth to twentieth century component has been identified. The current survey focused on mapping the site, surface reconnaissance, photographic documentation, and the mapping and analysis of the previously identified masonry tower's features. The results of these investigations are presented below.

Llygadwy Project Area

During the survey and assessment of the Llygawdy project area, four architectural features (AF-1 through AF-4) and four site loci (L-1 through L-4) were identified. In addition, two standing stone megaliths (M-1 through M-2) were recorded. The architectural features include a masonry tower (AF-1), a Christian Period chapel foundation wall (AF-2), a Roman Period roadbed (AF-3), and an eighteenth to twentieth century farmhouse (AF-4). The four site loci include an exposed Neolithic Period "Gallery Type" grave (L-1), a spring-fed well (L-2), an earthen mound (L-3), and a partially uncovered rock cairn (L-4). The two standing megaliths include a Celtic energy stone (M-1) and a marking stone (M-2). Each of these cultural resources is presented below.


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Architectural Features (AF)

The Masonry Tower (AF-1)

Present studies of the masonry tower have focused on the mapping and analysis of the structure’s extant walls and floor plan. Although current investigations have recovered few artifacts, previous studies have identified artifacts from the site that may reflect the cultural affinity of the tower’s past occupants. Recovered artifacts from the site suggest continued or intermittent occupation from the Neolithic Period to the present. Initial reconnaissance-level investigations by Mason (1996) gave no specific assessment as to the masonry tower's origin, yet he describes it as: 

approximately six meters square internally and its external profile has a pronounced splay at the base...with walls upwards of a meter thick contained by neatly arranged courses of thin dressed stone with extensive use of finely carved large blocks for particular features. The inner face of the east wall displays a number of interesting features which indicate that the living accommodation (or the lowest level thereof) was at first floor height. Protruding out from the face of the wall at a height above existing ground level of about 1.75 m is a line of stone corbels and, to the east of these, several recesses of a size sufficient to house the ends of floor beams. Approximately .50 m above these features and set centrally along the wall are the remains of a sizeable fireplace each side of which is lined by a massive stone slab. The fireplace is missing above a height of about 1.5 m but an even larger stone slab assumed to be its lintel lies on the ground in front of the wall. To either side of the fireplace about 0.50 m higher are the lower portions of two window apertures. Revetted by slabs somewhat larger than the normal wall facing-stones, these were once equipped with iron grills which are in the possession of the landowner (Mason 1996:15-16).

The present study has expanded Mason’s (1996) assessment of the building’s interior measurements from 6 m (19.7 ft) square to a rectangular structure approximately 6.2 m (20.4 ft) north-south and 7.55 m (24.8 ft) east-west in size. Instrument survey indicates a difference in elevation of less than 2/10ths of an inch between the northeast and southeast corners of the east wall.


Roman Period Occupation

The current survey has recovered evidence that suggests portions of the masonry tower may be of Roman Period construction. As stated by Wood (1968), structures of the Roman Period were no longer rambling buildings built along topographic contours, as found in earlier periods. Rather, Roman Period military architecture was "planned on uniform lines, and built by military engineers. Few Roman remains [specifically forts] give a clearer picture of the Roman mentality and its power" (Collins 1968:171). This statement is supported by Boon (1972), who in reference to the construction of the fortress at Isca (Caerleon), states: "The layout of a Roman fortress was standardized...and disciplined order is the first and most abiding impression conveyed by plans of Roman military stations" (Boon 1972:14-15). Although Mason (1996) never states the period in which the masonry tower originated, he does suggest that people from the Roman era did occupy the site (Mason 1996:1-2).

Recent investigations determined that an extant portion of the Masonry Tower may date to the Roman Period. Current masonry evidence from the structure indicates that the lower portion of the tower was constructed of dressed fieldstone, or tiles, approximately 2 cm to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 in) in thickness. The lower portions of the east wall (the section just below the fireplace) in addition to the lower portions of the north, west, and south walls are constructed in this manner. These stones are common to Roman Period structures found throughout the country (see Wood 1968). This early date is primarily based on the mortar used to bond the stones; a non-tempered, fine-grained, red (2.5YR ¾) clay mortar.

Roman Period artifacts recovered previously from the site include personal items such as brooches, rings, hairpins, and small glass bottles (Mason 1996:Appendix I). In addition, the recovery of over 300 Roman coins further indicates Roman Period activity.


Medieval Period Occupation

Field observations suggest that following the Roman Period occupation, the upper portions of the masonry structure were reconstructed during the Medieval Period. Structural analysis of the building suggests it went through a number of adaptations during this time. Two phases of construction are observed; an earlier period of domestic use followed by a military reconstruction and adaptation of the structure.

The domestic portion of the structure contains a combination of flat, Roman Period-type stones, in addition to larger stones, oblique in shape. These are bonded together using the same type of indigenous non-tempered clay material found in the lower, more consistently shaped stones. The definite outline of a gabled roof line is apparent. The construction of the roofline and the upper portion of the structure is of a vernacular type. This construction is similar to that of other Medieval Period structures in portions of xxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx counties. In addition to the roofline, other architectural features suggest domestic use as well.

Initially observed by Mason (1996), recesses, or sockets, approximately 15 cm (5.9 in) square, are found running laterally below the fireplace on the interior of the east wall. We concur that these sockets likely held the ends of squared beams used as floor joists to support a second floor. During the current survey, this same type of socket was observed along the inner face of the west wall. It is suspected that their position will correspond with those found on the interior east wall. The placement of these sockets, again, is similar to other vernacular domestic structures from the Medieval Period. Additional square sockets appear to be symmetrically spaced along the exterior portion of the east wall. These sockets, arranged in an angled pattern, suggest an adjoining structure that contained a gabled roof.

As seen in the Site Context, following the Norman occupation in 1066, a number of castles were constructed for defense throughout this region of Wales. Local legend holds that during the Norman occupation, locals used this particular structure as a watchtower. This tower could easily have been used during times of trouble to signal the main fortress at xxxxxxxx, approximately 5 km (3.1 m) to the east. The tower's strategic location at the convergence of two valleys provides a vantage point from which to monitor surrounding activity. As with earlier occupations, the tower's proximity to the valleys’ primary water source would be valued. Investigations have determined that the stonework used in the tower's conversion from a domestic structure to a military fortification is similar to other Medieval Period structures in Wales (Boon 1968:Plate 24). Both flat and round stones are found in the upper portion of the east wall. A red (2.5YR 4/3) mortar, containing a mixture of sand and clay, and tempered with straw and shell, was used to bond the stones. This same mortar type is found in the main castle structure at xxxxxxxx suggesting contemporary construction and use between 1100 AD and 1300 AD.

Previously recovered Medieval Period artifacts from the site consist primarily of coins. During the current survey, a Norman Period metal gate hinge was recovered from the surface inside the masonry tower.


Eighteenth/Nineteenth Century Occupation

Data suggests that following the Medieval Period, the masonry tower may have, once again, been reconstructed during the eighteenth/nineteenth century for use as a domestic dwelling. Although this data is tentative and based on the recovery of eighteenth and nineteenth century ceramics, this later stonework includes a combination of recycled dressed and undressed stone. A plaster-type mortar was used as a bonding agent to reinforce the building. This mortar consists of a limestone base tempered with pebbles, straw, and twigs. At this time, an interior partition was constructed perpendicular to the north wall. This partition extends approximately 2 m (6.9 ft) south from the north wall, and is situated approximately 3.7 m (12.15 ft) from the west wall. During this occupation, two man-doors were incorporated in the western portion of the north and south walls.

The addition of feeding troughs, in the mid- to late nineteenth century, suggest the structure's use as a livestock barn, possibly in association with Architectural Feature 4. Stone foundations for animal troughs were built abutting the entire length of the west wall and along the eastern portion of the south wall. Vertical, round wooden posts, approximately 0.16 cm (5 in) in diameter, were installed to support a sloping corrugated tin roof. This roofed section extends approximately 4.25 m (13.95 ft) to the east. An additional pole and tin roof was constructed extending outward from the entire length of the west wall. The doorways, installed during the building's use as a domestic structure, were filled in with mortared stone and plaster. The recovery of eighteenth and nineteenth century ceramics from beneath the wall suggests that it was constructed sometime in the mid- to late eighteenth century.

Artifacts associated with the structure, recovered during these investigations and dating from this period, include domestic items such as ceramic materials (i.e. creamware, pearlware, and blue transfer print Staffordshire ware). Eighteenth century British coins were also recovered from the site (Mason 1996).


Chapel Foundation Wall (AF-2)

A rectangular foundation was constructed approximately 30 m (98.5 ft) north of the masonry tower and approximately 10 m (32.8 ft) southeast of the well. Identified as a possible Christian Chapel by Mason (1996:13), this structure is defined as:

In a fairly ruinous condition, some stretches of its walls still stand to a height of 2.0 m. While their footings are formed of large rough-hewn boulders, the superstructure of the walls consists of neat facings of relatively small, shallow blocks enclosing a rubble core with some traces of mortar bonding. There is evidence of extensive repairs/reconstruction to sections of the walls and that along the north-west side incorporates two lengths of timber in its uppermost courses. The building measures approximately 5.50 by 4.50 m internally and there are the remains of a doorway at the north end of the front wall. There are extensive areas of a stone slab floor still in situ and where this is absent near the north wall there can be seen an underlying stone-revetted channel or slot heading towards the doorway. There are hints of other structural features in the interior, but these will only be revealed when the overlying rubble has been carefully removes (Mason 1996:13).

Current investigations have determined that the chapel structure was constructed of variously shaped stones held together with indigenous clay mortar similar to that found in the lower portions of the masonry tower (AF-1). The extant foundation walls indicate a structure constructed on a northwest by southeast axis, approximately 5.5 m by 6.75 m (18.1 ft by 22.2 ft) in size. The southeast portion of the wall has been built up with earth to support a level floor and foundation and, as suggested by Mason (1996), large stones support a fabricated stone wall. The northwest wall of the structure stands approximately 2 m (6.6 ft) high, whereas the remaining three walls stand approximately 1 m (3.3 ft) in height. The central portion of the southeast wall, measuring approximately 3m (9.9 ft) in length, is degraded and falling down. Instrument survey indicates a difference in elevation of less than 3/10ths of an inch between the northeast and southeast corners of the southeast wall.

Stone rubble, which lies throughout the interior of the structure, overlies a small stone-lined channel or aqueduct within the interior of the building. The exposed portion of this channel is approximately 0.60 m (2.0 ft) in length and approximately 20 cm (7.9 in) in width; it also measured 13 cm (5.1 in) in depth. Often, farmers dug such channels to facilitate drainage of boggy portions of their property. The recovery of one ceramic sherd of annular-ware, found in context with the channel, suggests a possible association with previous domestic dwellings located on the property (see AF-1 and AF-4).


Roman Period Road (AF-3)

Throughout Wales, prior to Roman occupation in 43 AD, a series of trackways was established for purposes of trade and social functions. Many, such as the road to Llygadwy, were dirt tracks, considered by the Romans to be inadequate for the movement of troops, communication, and trade routes. To link important trade and military centers, Roman military engineers created a system of paved roads. The presence of paving stones and walled embankments suggests that the road running to Llygadwy was paved sometime during the Roman occupation of Wales.

In his investigations, Mason explored the evidence for the presence of a Roman road at Llygadwy. Of this road, he stated:

The Roman road left the fort [Roman Garrison] at xxxxxxxxx from its west gate. Conventionally its line has been thought to be marked by a modern farm tract whose alignment would take the Roman Road a few hundred meters to the north of Llygadwy. However, the alignment of the fort defenses could indicate a route somewhat to the south of this farm tract and this would tie in with the length of undoubtedly ancient roadway which runs passed Llygadwy to climb the steep slope leading up to the higher ground now occupied by the village of xxxxx. This section of possible Roman road, covering a distance of approximately 200 metres is extremely well-preserved. Visual inspection indicates its construction involved quarrying into the rock-face of the hillside, with the stone produced being used to revet a level platform. The Roman road is likely to have continued in use well into the medieval period and its precise date of replacement by the route taken by the present xxx will probably be revealed by cartographic/documentary research.

Llygadwy is an ancient site. Not only is the site's antiquity revealed by its features and recovered artifacts, but also by obvious landscape adaptations effected over the past millenium. These landscape changes make it difficult to trace the exact placement of the Roman Period portion of the road. Today, the roadbed includes a broad expanse, approximately 20 m (65.6 ft) wide, extending between a bluff to the west and a ravine/hedgerow to the east. On site, the road runs approximately 110 m (360.1 ft) at a 40 degree angle to the northwest. Intermittent portions of a retaining wall may be distinguished along the middle of the existing track. It is unknown whether this wall represents the west or east boundary of the original road.

To the west of the retaining wall lies an extant vertical bank. Along the road’s course, this bank ranges in distance from the wall between 5m and 9m (16.4 ft to 29.5 ft). Rising an average of approximately 4m (13.2 ft) above the track bed, the upper portion of the bank is overgrown by trees. Preliminary investigations suggest a retaining wall, constructed of dried stone, may exist beneath the extant vegetation. This wall may have been erected for erosion control, or perhaps it originally served as the west boundary of the road. Approximately 5 m (16.4 ft) east of the central retaining wall, approximately 17 m (55.8 ft) north of the well, lay a series of large stones. These stones run for approximately 6 m (19.7 ft) and lay parallel to the central retaining wall. The presence of these stones suggests that some type of retaining wall may have existed in this location, as well. The distance of these stones from the centrally located retaining wall is similar to that between the bluff edge and the retaining wall.

Approximately 5 m (16.4 ft) to the east of the line of large stones lies a large gully. A substantial stone wall and hedgerow lay along the gully's eastern border, a former property line. The presence of the stone wall and hedgerow in this location tends to obscure and bias the view of the landscape. Although water now runs along its course, ethnographic evidence states that this track was used by sheep and cattle drovers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (personal communication, xxxxxx xxxxxx, 1999). The ambiguity of the road's boundaries merits further investigation, beginning with analysis of the exposed masonry that runs down the central portion of the existing track.


Twentieth Century Farmhouse (AF-4)

The present domestic structure, a farmhouse, is the most recent construction within the project area. This building has gone through a number of adaptations with periodic reconstruction occurring within the last 300 years. Recent historical documentation shows that the building was originally a domestic structure constructed sometime in the eighteenth century. In the late nineteenth to early twentieth century, it was converted into a livestock barn. The building was renovated for its present use and design in 1998 by the present landowner.


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Cultural Resources Loci (L-1 through L-4)

A total of four cultural resources loci were identified during the present study. These include a Neolithic Period "Gallery Type" grave (L-1), a spring fed well (L-2), an earthen mound (L-3), and a partially exposed rock cairn (L-4). Each of these loci is described below.


Locus 1

The Neolithic Period grave is defined as a "Gallery Type" burial due to its construction. Situated on the southeastern portion of the property, all that remains are the orthostats, or up-right stones, used in its construction. Its orientation is northwest by southeast. Estimated as dating between 4000 BC and 2000 BC, the tomb is described by Mason (1996) as the "oldest, and least well-preserved, visible monument" in the project area. Locus 1:

Consists of the remains of a Neolithic tomb . . . All traces of the mound of earth which originally covered the burial chamber have been removed, leaving the massive, rough-hewn uprights of the latter exposed. Standing nearly 2 metres tall, some appear to be in their original positions, others have fallen over, while yet others have been removed from the burial chamber and can be seen built into nearby field walls. The roofing-slabs have also been removed, probably subjected to similar re-use. A smaller slab, perforated by a single round hole, lies at the south end of the tomb (Mason 1996:3).

No additional research of Locus 1, other than its recordation and mapping, was performed during the current survey. No artifacts have been recovered in association with this loci.


Locus 2

The spring-fed well is considered to be of major importance to the Llygawdy site. Venerated by locals and others as a religious site, the well also contains cultural indications of its social, political, and economic importance. Socially, as a religious shrine, the well has attracted people since at least the Roman Period occupation of the project area. As stated by Mason (1996):

Rivers, streams, and especially lakes and springs, were held sacred by many ancient peoples including the Celts and Romans and it was common practice for offerings to be made to the deities thought to preside over them . . . That the spring at Llygadwy was venerated in the Roman period, and probably earlier is indicated by [the artifacts recovered there]. Because of its location, this sacred spring would have been popular over a long period, offerings being made by travelers using the xxxxxxxxxxxxx Road and also by the garrison of the nearby fort at xxxxxxxxxx and the inhabitants of any civil settlement which grew up alongside it, as well as by the local native population (Mason 1996:4).

The spring’s association with Celtic religious activity would preclude its political control by Roman forces within the general area. As the primary water source for the adjoining valleys, its location would be of major importance to the economic well being of the area in ore smelting, felt manufacturing, and other mid-nineteenth century industries.

The majority of artifacts from the Llygawdy site have been recovered in the vicinity of the well. These include, but are not limited to, Roman Period coins and metalwork, English coins, Celtic and Roman brooches, hairpins, and rings. In addition, the presence of votive figurines implies the spring’s religious significance.


Locus 3

Locus 3 was not investigated during the Mason (1996) survey. Situated on the northwest corner of the property, L-3 consists of a trapezoidal earthen mound approximately 20 m (65.6 ft) wide at its base and approximately 30 m (98.5 ft) long. It stands approximately 3 m (9.9 ft) tall at its highest point. Its orientation is northwest by southeast. On the southeastern edge of the mound, erosion has exposed a 2 m (6.6 ft) section of stone wall.

No additional research of Locus 3, other than its recordation and mapping, was performed during the current survey. No artifacts have been recovered in association with this loci.


Locus 4

Locus 4 was also not investigated during the previous survey (Mason 1996). Composed of a small (2 m (6.6 ft) square cairn, L-4 lies to the southeast of the larger mound (L-3) found in the project area. . No additional research of Locus 4, other than its recordation and mapping, was performed during the current survey. No artifacts have been recovered in association with this loci.


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Megalithic Stones (M-1 through M-2)

Two megalithic stones were recorded during the current survey. One, M-1, is situated in the southeast portion of the site and the second, M-2, is situated along the central portion of the Roman Period road (AF-3), roughly halfway between the road's terminus at xxxx and the well (L-1).


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Boon, George C.

1972  ISCA: Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru. National Museum of

Wales, Cardiff.

Mason, David

1996  An Interpretation and Assessment of the Archaeological

Literature and Finds Relating to m) Llygadwy, Powys, Drawing on the Following: Initial Identification, dating and comments 1995, Richard Brewer and Dr. Mark Redknap, Department of Archaeology and Numismatics, the National Museum of Wales. Mason Welland Heritage Consultants, Wales.

Wood, Eric S.

1968  Collins Field Guide to Archaeology. Collins Clear-Type

Press, London.


Note:  These investigations are ongoing, and updates will be posted as time permits.  Assessments made during the course of this survey are preliminary, and may change upon the recovery of further data.

Web site created by Scott G. Sutton

William B. Barr & Associates
P.O. Box 4007, 204 E. Church Street
Leesville, South Carolina 29070
Telephone: (803) 532-0392
E-mail: bbbarch1@aol.com

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