Welcome to John's Hey Arnold! Site! This
site is dedicated to one of the greatest cartoons of all time,
Hey Arnold! This site has info on the show, the characters, the
creator, a discussion forum, for talking with other Hey Arnold!
fans, and more! Be sure to sign the guestbook!
Perhaps you would like to view the non-frames version of the site?
Updates- Check here for updates and info on the site.
Characters- Descriptions of characters from the show with screengrabs.
Timeline- A timeline of the life of Hey Arnold! creator Craig Barlett and production of Hey Arnold!
Movies- Info on the upcoming Hey Arnold! movies.
The Patakis- Info on a new series planned after Hey Arnold!
Downloads- Assorted Hey Arnold! and Nickelodeon downloads including sounds, the Hey Arnold! font, wallpaper, icons, and cursors.
Fan Stuff- Hey Arnold! fan fiction and art.
Episodes- Info on episodes of Hey Arnold!
Chat Room- Come chat with me and other Hey Arnold! fans!
Forum- Come talk and discuss Hey Arnold! and other stuff in my EZ Board forum!
Sign Guestbook- Be sure to go here and tell me what you think of my site!
View Guestbook- You can see what other people have said, too.
View Old Guestbook- Look at what people said before my old guestbook conked out.
Links- Links to some great Hey Arnold! sites!
Link to Me!- Put my link on your page, and I'll link back to you!
Staff- People who helped me with this site.
Contact Me- Info on getting in touch with me.
Poll- Take my Hey Arnold! poll and decide the future of my site!
Games- I've prepared a few cool HA! games. They're fun. It would be a good idea to go play them.
This site is copyright 2000 John (me). Don't copy
anything from it without my permission! Hey Arnold is copyright
2000 Nickelodeon/Snee Oosh/Viacom, I think. I don't work on the
show, I'm just a fan. John's Hey Arnold Site is best viewed with
an 800x600 screen resolution and Microsoft
Internet Explorer 4.0 or
better. If not viewed with both, this site tends to look a little
screwy. Special thanks to Tyoria and Arnold4Ever
for the pics on the characters page. Also, special thanks to Ronald McDonald and the Kool-Aid man.