Cybercut ask why take a chance with cutting your hair-find out what the cut will look like before the first snip:
Haircutter HomepageExcellent site for learning how the professional does their work. If you like to cut hair possibly you might consider taking courses at a School For Cosmetology.
Bezauberndes (In German)Haircutting and makeover special
BangsExcellent collection of bangs from Shorthairshrine.
NapesExcellent collection of napes and fancy backs from Shorthairshrine.
These are from the Brave Ladies Collection:
These are from the Pony Tail Collection:
We received permission from these folks to use their pictures on our website for our educational project and your benefit. Many are copyrighted and we ask you to get permission from the owners if you plan to copy or use them for public display:
HAIRCUT NET From: "curly" To: "shorthair"
Subject: Re: Poicy question Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 21:52:37 -0600 Dear CW,
Your site looks good. If you use the pictures from, I would ask that you put some kind of statement on each page with our pictures saying "Pictures courtesy of the Hair Enthusiast Hotline at
As for designing pages for salons, it's a great idea!
Precison Hair Design For You From: SenderTo: Re: Another question for LeeDate: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 15:04:34 EST
Thanks for writing again! You certainly may use some archived information as well! I am excited to see what you put together. Please let me know if I can be of assistance! Lee PHD4U
Hair We Are Secrets From: drb
Save Address - Block Sender Reply-To: To: C W Save Address Subject: Re: Ok to link to your page Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 14:05:33 -0500 Dear Chris, No problem. Go ahead.
Thank you, HWAS