Welcome to Simon and Patsy's page!

Simon in the yellow and white tabby, and Patsy is the gray long hair.
In our house we have a rule, if you don't take off
your shoes when you come in the kitchen door, you have to mop!
Unfortunately, Simon, our indoor/outdoor cat doesn't follow the rule....
and the floor looks like this!
Now, if you can explain to me how to train a cat to wipe their feet,
PLEASE, email me immediately!

The following graphic is dedicated to Simon's Greatgrandmother, and our all time favorite cat! Vi was a "factory cat". She lived in the factory where Mike worked. He told her if she stayed at his work area all day, he would take her home. Well... she did, so he did. Little did we know that she was going to bless us with babies! Because she hadn't been eating properly, they didn't make it, but, we had a few more litters, one of which we found in our daughters dresser one morning!

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