This is my cousin, BooBoo Kittie -- no kiddin', that's the dumb cat's name.She's a Ragdoll and stuck up like you wouldn't believe. Did you ever see such a funny looking puss? This was taken when she was a baby but I keep this picture around for laughs.
 Here is BooBoo Kittie all grown up now. She's still stuck up but she's family. So what can we do? I guess we'll keep her -- as long as she stays in Virginia and I stay in Florida.  
   Here is another Virginia kitty named Callie. She is a ragdoll too, but not half as stuckup as BooBoo Kittie. She's not grumpy or anything but I gotta tell you, I'm not too keen on ragdolls. Give me a cute, adorable, sweet Persian any day.

 This is Gretchen. I know, she's a dog and you thought this was a place for cats only. Well, of course, cats are best but sometimes a dog around the house is okay. Besides I kinda like this one. She's real friendly, but a little coockoo. Who ever heard of a dog with a pooh bear?  

 Meet EpiscoRat, the churchmouse of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida. (Mouse -- Ha! Any fool can see this rodent's a rat) but he's okay, for a rat-- er -- churchmouse and he has his own website. But, of course, so do I. Visit him and tell him the Deacon's beautiful Persian sent you.


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